Kabeja is a small library for parsing DXF-Files and converting this to SVG. It is licensed under the Apache Software License 2.0.
There are not all Entities of DXF supported yet. Text-Entities generate problems too.
*Arc *Attrib *Polyline *Circle *Line *Blocks/Insert *Text *MText *LWPolyline *Solid *Trace *Ellipse *Dimension *Image *Leader *XLine *Ray *Hatch *Spline *MLine
- Tolerance
You can use Kabeja from CLI (Command Line Interface) or embed in your application.
Windows: * double-click "kabeja.exe"
Linux: * sh kabeja.sh
* chmod a=rx kabeja.sh (only ones)
* ./kabeja.sh
Other: * java -jar launcher.jar
in the Kabeja-folder try:
Help and pipeline list
java -jar launcher.jar --help
Convert to svg
java -jar launcher.jar -nogui -pipeline svg myfile.dxf result.svg
Convert to pdf|jpeg|png|...
java -jar launcher.jar -nogui -pipeline <pdf|jpeg|png> myfile.dxf
Normally Java uses 64 MB of your memory, to setup more use the following commandline switch:
java -Xmx256m -jar .....
in the 'lib'-folder try:
java -jar kabeja-svgview.jar
Cocoon 2.1 (XML-Publishing-Framework http://cocoon.apache.org/2.1):
Copy the 'kabeja.jar' and 'kabeja-svg2dxf-cocoon.jar' to your WEB-INF/lib-folder of your Cocoon-Webapplication. Then you can use Kabeja as Generator like:
in your sitemap/subsitemap:
<map:generators default="file">
<map:generator name="dxf2svg" src="org.kabeja.cocoon.generation.DXF2SVGGenerator"/>
.... map:pipelines
<map:match pattern="dxf/*.svg">
<map:generate type="dxf2svg" src="dxf/{1}.dxf"/>
<!-- transform things you need -->
<map:serialize type="xml"/>
Note: DXF-drafts often real large drafts, so the SVGDocument will consume a lot of memory. The Generator is Cacheable so the first run will take more time.
Any help and feedback are greatly appreciated.
Mail: simon.mieth@gmx.de
See released versions at https://bintray.com/beta/#/raisercostin/maven/connector-scripted-sql
- To release
mvn release:prepare release:perform -DskipTests=true -Prelease -Darguments="-DskipTests=true -Prelease"
- http://kabeja.sourceforge.net/examples.html
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/kabeja/
- https://sourceforge.net/p/kabeja/discussion/510351/
- https://sourceforge.net/p/kabeja/code/HEAD/tree/
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/kabeja/files/kabeja-inkscape-extension/kabeja-inkscape-extension-0.4/
- https://sourceforge.net/p/kabeja/bugs/
- https://sourceforge.net/p/kabeja/wiki/Home/
- http://kabeja.sourceforge.net/docs/user/userguide.html