Screen Shots:
Technology Use:- AJAX Calls - Fetch API
- Front-End - HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JS
- Back-End - NodeJS, Express, EJS, Cors, Multer, Sharp, pg, Morgan, UUID
- Database - PostgreSQL
- Create Item - Enables to add item.
- Edit item - Enable to change the
of a spicific item. - View Item - Enable to see the details of a spicific item.
- Delete Item - Enable to delete a spicific item.
ItemGen is an NodeJS, Express application that uses server side rendering through the use of template engine such as Embedded Javascript Template or EJS and its also possible because express works best with EJS. It utilized HTML, CSS, Booststrap, JS for ajax calls in the front-end and NodeJS, Express and other dependincies such as cors, morgan, multer, sharp, pg and uuid for the back-end. This application did use postgresSQL database which is a relational database it made possible for the application to communicated with the database using the node postgres interface (pg). This application can generate or create a item spicifying the item's name, quantity, price, category, description and image. Other than that making sure that all uploaded images have been optimized or being compressed once its stored in the server. And also it allows to edit some information, delete or view a spicific item.