Proposedfeatures: •Basic CRUD functionalities.
•Kazi profile includingh is regular activities like performing online marriage registrations and processing divorce application.
•Marriage couple profile for incase of need like downloading marriage certificate or applying for divorce.
•Dynamic adding or deleting of different sections in user profile.
•Like Facebook live chat system between bridegroom finders.
•Recommendation system for bridegroom finder.
•Sending interest email to anuser via email.
•Anadmin panel for controlling and managing the website.
•Responsive CSS
“Online Marriage Registration and Information System” is a web application. Our main goal is to make a platform for both marriage registration and finding a bride or groom. The existing marriage registration system has so many failings and needs to be updated. We are trying to take both registrations and finding a bride, groom on a platform. We will add some exciting features like live chats and recommendations for our project. We hope that, after developing this website, it will bring a remarkable change to the existing feature of our system.