Remote Control unit compatible with most modern Yaesu radios. Includes Schematics, Gerber Files and Board Design.
This is a remote control that is compatible with most modern and recent Yaesu radios. It mimicks the same functionality of Yaesu FH-2 remote control, at a fraction of the cost ane with a enormous cool factor: YOU CAN ACTUALLY BUILD IT!
Check how Jim N5JGE actually built something really nifty without the need of an enclosure for the board!
This is the board layout in its full glory (slightly changed from FH-2, because... usability++):
Yaesu FT-991, FT-991A, FT-950, FTDX-9000, FTDX-5000, FTDX-3000, FT-2000, FTDX-1200, FT-1000MP
Download the Gerber .zip file
Send the Gerber ZIP to any PCB Print Service. I have used JLCPCB, they are dead cheap - Paid $2 for 5 boards
Buy the switches and the resistors. The most critical part here are the switches: The board has the footprints for this specific switch, which is Digikey Part EG6117-ND. The Resistors and Capacitor are through-hole and the values are in the Schematic.
How do I wire it? For wiring, wire the tip of a standard 3-pin audio plug and the
part of the plug. Leave the center floating.
Of course you can also download Eagle 9 and play with the schematics and PCB layout in Design folder.
- Fixed the flipped Down arrow and F/B button reported in Issue 1 by jgedmond - thank you!
- Fixed the push-button pinout
- Now makes extensive use of ground plane
- Rewired the board
- Larger holes, suitable for a screw, with symmetrical holes at the board edges
- A through-the-hole pad for the signal input
- Added a few centimeters more to accomodate the $ABOVE changes
- And that's it folks!
- Initial release
73s de PY2RAF.