HHCompare is a pipeline for HMM-HMM comparison based hierarchial clustering and analysis of potential paralogues in sequence set. It is based on premise that paralogues sequences have very high similarity (below certain e-value cutoff for HMM vs HMM alignment).
code generates HMM models from input (set of sequences), compares them all vs all, groups similar ones and then repeats; simplified workflow is as following:
- generate HMMs from sequences or groups
- do HMM-HMM comparison between HMMs generated under 1)
- evalute pairs for similarity, merge pair(s) with similarity below CUTOFF in group(s)
- repeat 1) if any merge was done, finish run if no merge was done
- parse results and generate hierarchial trees of groups
- input: multiple protein sequences in FASTA format; not tested for nucleic acid sequences
- output: set of trees respresenting potential paralogue clusters and unclustered sequences
- note that code DOES NOT provide graphical representation of results, it generates newick outputs for detected groups of clustered sequences; various tools can convert it into tree-like graphics (example: http://etetoolkit.org/treeview/)
- RBioTools.py : various bioinformatics functions; should be in same folder as code
- HH-suite2.0, installed locally;
- download at ftp://toolkit.genzentrum.lmu.de/pub/HH-suite/, follow appropriate instructions for install
- ClustalW2, installed locally;
- download at ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/software/clustalw2/
- python2.7
- make sure paths to HH-suite and ClustalW2 are set appropriately (via --HHMAKE --HHALIGN and --CLUSTALW2 command line options)
More notes:
- last update: 19/01/2015
- if python is not in /usr/bin/python2.7, code will not self-execute; run it as or edit 1st line
- in order to avoid entering paths each time code is run, change lines 329-331 default= to appropriate default
- tested under Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
- to annotate results, use HHCompareAnnotator.py (note: script is in early prototype version, and might need tweaking)
Example run:
- ./HHCompare.py -I ./test.fa -O __test_out --HHMAKE --HHALIGN --CLUSTALW2