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Migrating from vert.x 2.1.5 to vert.x 3.0.0
Since the API changed quite a bit, the migration is not trivial.
Let's begin with the simple stuff:
is nowio.vertx.core.*
- JsonObject's
methods are nowput(field)
- JsonObject's
is nowgetJsonObject(field)
- Jsonbject's
is nowgetJsonArray(field)
is nowEventBus#consumer(address,handler)
More difficult to change:
EventBus#send(String address,JsonObject message, Handler<Message<JsonObject>>)
is nowEventBus#send(String address, JsonObject message, AsyncResultHandler<Message<JsonObject>>)
or, easier to read and to write:send(address,message, result -> {})
Most difficult (in my opinion): The changes to the HTTPServer and the EventBus bridge. It's not quite documented, and it changed a lot.
Here is my setup in 2.1.5:
final JsonObject bridgeCfg = rootConfig.getObject("bridge");
HttpServer http = vertx.createHttpServer().setCompressionSupported(true);
if (bridgeCfg.getBoolean("ssl", true)) {
String keystorePath = bridgeCfg.getString("keystore", System.getProperty("user.home") +"/.jkeys/keystore.jks");
http.requestHandler(new HTTPHandler(bridgeCfg, eb));
SockJSServer sock = vertx.createSockJSServer(http);
sock.bridge(new JsonObject().putString("prefix", "/eventbus"), bridgeCfg.getArray("inOK"),bridgeCfg.getArray("outOK"));
This is the same in 3.0.0:
final JsonObject bridgeCfg = rootConfig.getJsonObject("bridge");
HttpServerOptions options = new HttpServerOptions().setCompressionSupported(true);
if (bridgeCfg.getBoolean("ssl", true)) {
String keystorePath = bridgeCfg.getString("keystore", System.getProperty("user.home")
+ "/.jkeys/keystore.jks");
JksOptions ksopt = new JksOptions().setPath(keystorePath).setPassword(bridgeCfg.getString("keystore-pwd"));
HttpServer http = vertx.createHttpServer(options);
Router router=Router.router(vertx);
SockJSHandler sock = SockJSHandler.create(vertx);
BridgeOptions bridgeOptions = new BridgeOptions();
JsonArray inOk=bridgeCfg.getJsonArray("inOK");
for(Object jo:inOk){
bridgeOptions.addInboundPermitted(new PermittedOptions((JsonObject)jo));
for(Object jo:bridgeCfg.getJsonArray("outOK")){
bridgeOptions.addOutboundPermitted(new PermittedOptions((JsonObject) jo));
HTTPHandler rootHandler=new HTTPHandler(bridgeCfg,vertx.eventBus());
router.route().handler(routingContext ->{
Sad things:
Modules (Yes, the elements that made vert.x so special...) are gone. Away. Disappeared. If your program relied on modules, you have to reimplement all functionality again differently. Period.
Database access has changed a lot. Sql and mongo connectors are now part of the vert.x codebase (since modules are gone, see above)
I tried to get around these two issues that way:
Tear the modules apart and integrate their Verticles in the main program
make two simple Verticles for mimicking the old mysql-postgresql and mongo modules: Just translate the very same EventBus calls into the new connector access. This way, loose coupling and easy mocking of the database layers remain possible.
Probably I didn't get everything right, but this way, at least it works :)