Everything might be WIP, not functionnal, broken, or eat your cat.
Some designs might uses my own KiCAD libraries: https://dev.sigpipe.me/DashieElectronics/KiCad_libraries
Gerbers in gerbers/
dirs or gerbers.zip
WILL probably not be up to date, generate your own after checking schematics and PCBs.
- dashie AT otter DOT sh
A 3U Eurocard with VME connector Px on one end, and a lot of plated holes in a 2.54mm grid, with unconnected strips (uses them as whatever you want).
A 6U Eurocard with VME connector P1 and P2 on one end, and a very lot of plated holes in a 2.54mm grid, with ground and 5V strips.
WIP of a PCB for a raspberrypi used as a remote access control for a VME chassis.
Various input/output for signals breakout of a MVME-167, fans, temp sensors, etc.