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Master's thesis: Experiments on multistage step size schedulers for first-order optimization in minimax problems


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Multistage Step Size Scheduling for Minimax Problems

This is a repository for the code used for running the experiments for my Master's thesis under the Optimization & Decision Intelligence group at ETH Zürich. The full thesis can be found here.



In response to the increasing popularity of adversarial approaches in machine learning, much research has been done to tackle the challenges of minimax optimization. Approaches that have proven themselves in minimization are now being considered for potential use in minimax. Multistage step size scheduling is one such class of approaches, that have shown not only near-optimal convergence rates in minimization, but also impressive performance across multiple experiments. In this thesis, we formulate Step Decay and Increasing-Phase Step Decay, two kinds of multistage step size scheduling algorithms, for stochastic first-order optimization in minimax problems. We then study these multistage schedulers for three classes of minimax problems: two-sided Polyak-Łojasiewicz (PL) functions, non-convex one-sided PL functions, and non-convex non-concave functions, representing increasing difficulties of minimax optimization. Our theoretical analysis of their convergence rates for two-sided PL and non-convex PL functions shows that multistage schedulers have better convergence rates w.r.t. the variance of the stochastic gradients, thus improving robustness of the optimization in the presence of stochasticity. We also show how multistage schedulers also improve performance when run on practical machine learning scenarios, such as training Generative Adversarial Networks for image generation.


Poetry is used for conveniently installing and managing dependencies. pre-commit is used for managing hooks that run before each commit, to ensure code quality and run some basic tests.

  1. [Optional] Create and activate a virtual environment with Python >= 3.8.5.

  2. Install Poetry globally (recommended), or in a virtual environment. Please refer to Poetry's installation guide for recommended installation options.

  3. Install all dependencies, including extra dependencies for development, with Poetry:

    poetry install

    To avoid installing development dependencies, run:

    poetry install --no-dev

    If you didn't create and activate a virtual environment in step 1, Poetry creates one for you and installs all dependencies there. To use this virtual environment, run:

    poetry shell
  4. Install pre-commit hooks:

    pre-commit install

NOTE: You need to be inside the virtual environment where you installed the above dependencies every time you commit. However, this is not required if you have installed pre-commit globally.


The optimizers are tested on multiple tasks. Each task involves training a certain model in a certain manner (supervised, unsupervised, etc.) on a certain dataset. Every task is given a task ID, which is used when running scripts.

The list of tasks implemented, along with their IDs, are:

Task ID Description Thesis Chapter
rls/low/full Train an RLS model for the low condition number dataset using deterministic AGDA Chapter 3
rls/low/stoc Train an RLS model for the low condition number dataset using SAGDA Chapter 3
rls/high/full Train an RLS model for the high condition number dataset using deterministic AGDA Chapter 3
rls/high/stoc Train an RLS model for the high condition number dataset using SAGDA Chapter 3
covar/linear Train a WGAN with a linear generator for learning a zero-mean multivariate Gaussian. Chapter 4
covar/nn Train a WGAN with a neural network generator for learning a zero-mean multivariate Gaussian. Chapter 4
cifar Train an SN-GAN on the CIFAR10 dataset. Chapter 5

For details, please refer to the relevant chapters in the thesis.


All scripts use argparse to parse commandline arguments. Each Python script takes the task ID as a positional argument. To view the list of all positional and optional arguments for a script, run:

./ --help


For training a model for a task, run the training script as follows:

./ task



Hyper-parameters can be specified through YAML configs. For example, to specify a batch size of 32 and total steps of 2000, use the following config:

batch_size: 32
total_steps: 2000

You can store configs in a directory named configs located in the root of this repository. It has an entry in the .gitignore file so that custom configs aren't picked up by git. This directory already contains the configs corresponding to the experiments whose results are used in the thesis.

The available hyper-parameters, their documentation and default values are specified in the Config class in the file src/

NOTE: You do not need to mention every single hyper-parameter in a config. In such a case, the missing ones will use their default values.


Support for tuning hyper-parameters for the optimizers is available in the tuning script Thus, to tune hyper-parameters for models on a certain task, run the tuning script as follows:

./ task


Logging is done using TensorBoard. Logs are stored with certain directory structures. For training, this is:

this directory
|_ root log directory
   |_ task name
      |_ experiment name
         |_ timestamped run directory

For tuning, this is:

this directory
|_ root log directory
   |_ task name
      |_ experiment name
         |_ timestamped tuning run directory
            |_ training run 0 directory
            |_ training run 1 directory

Note that the task name may contain slashes (/). This would mean that further sub-directories would be made according to the task name. For example, if the task is rls/linear/stoc, then there would be an rls/ directory, containing a sub-directory linear/, which contains stoc/.

The timestamp uses the ISO 8601 convention along with the local timezone. The root log directory can be specified with the --log-dir argument. By default, this is logs.

The sub-directory for each training run will contain:

  • The latest checkpoint of the trained model, within the checkpoints sub-directory
  • Training logs, as a file with the prefix events.out.tfevents.
  • The hyper-parameter config (including defaults), as a YAML file named hparams.yaml

The sub-directory for a tuning run will contain:

  • Sub-directories for each training run
  • The best hyper-parameter config (including defaults), as a YAML file named best-hparams.yaml

To view all logs in a directory or in any of its sub-directories, run TensorBoard as follows:

tensorboard --logdir /path/to/log/dir


For plotting the logs in one or more directories, use the plotting script as follows:

./ task mode /path/to/log/dir/1 /path/to/log/dir/2 ...

Here, mode specifies the mode of grouping for plotting. The following modes are available:

  • sched: This groups all logs by the scheduler used to train them. This is the mode used to generate the plots in the thesis.
  • decay: This groups all logs by the decay factor in the scheduler used to train them. This can be used to visualize the effects of different decay values.

The plots will show the mean and standard deviation of task-specific metrics. These metrics are as follows:

Task ID Metrics TensorBoard Tag
rls/low/full Distance, Potential metrics/distance, metrics/potential
rls/low/stoc Distance, Potential metrics/distance, metrics/potential
rls/high/full Distance, Potential metrics/distance, metrics/potential
rls/high/stoc Distance, Potential metrics/distance, metrics/potential
covar/linear Distance, Gradients w.r.t. x metrics/distance, gradients/x
covar/nn Distance, Gradients w.r.t. x metrics/distance, gradients/x
cifar FID, Inception Score metrics/fid, metrics/inception_score

Miscellaneous Features

Multi-GPU Training

For choosing how many GPUs to train on, use the -g or the --num-gpus flag when running a script as follows:

./ --num-gpus 3

This selects three available GPUs for training. By default, only one GPU is chosen.

Mixed Precision Training

This implementation supports mixed-precision training, which is disabled by default. To set the floating-point precision, use the -p or the --precision flag when running a script as follows:

./ --precision 16

Note that mixed-precision training will only provide significant speed-ups if your GPUs have special support for mixed-precision compute.


	copyright = {In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted},
	year = {2022},
	type = {Master Thesis},
	author = {Rajagopal, Harish},
	size = {67 p.},
	language = {en},
	address = {Zurich},
	publisher = {ETH Zurich},
	DOI = {10.3929/ethz-b-000572991},
	title = {Multistage Step Size Scheduling for Minimax Problems},
	school = {ETH Zurich}


Master's thesis: Experiments on multistage step size schedulers for first-order optimization in minimax problems






