A simple interface to https://epsg.io/
For example, we can request the details for the projected coordinate system identified by EPSG code 21781, aka. "Swiss CH1903 / LV03":
>>> projection = pyepsg.get(21781) >>> projection <ProjectedCRS: 21781, CH1903 / LV03> >>> projection.domain_of_validity() [5.97, 10.49, 45.83, 47.81] >>> projection.cartesian_cs.axes [<Axis: east / metre>, <Axis: north / metre>]
Projected and geodetic coordinate systems can also be converted to various other forms:
>>> print(projection.as_proj4()[:70] + '...') +proj=somerc +lat_0=46.95240555555556 +lon_0=7.439583333333333 +k_0=1 ... >>> print(projection.as_wkt()[:70] + '...') PROJCS["CH1903 / LV03",GEOGCS["CH1903",DATUM["CH1903",SPHEROID["Bessel...