title |
rhodyRstats: Basic Statistics with R |
This notebook will cover calculating basic statistics with R, conducting statistical tests, and building simple linear models. We will use the 2007 NLA data for the examples and show steps from getting data, to cleaning data, to analysis and statistics.
First step in any project will be getting the data read into R. For this lesson we are using the 2007 National Lakes Assessment data, which ,luckily, can be accessed directly from a URL.
# URL for 2007 NLA water quality data
nla_wq_url <- "https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-10/nla2007_chemical_conditionestimates_20091123.csv"
nla_secchi_url <- "https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2014-10/nla2007_secchi_20091008.csv"
# Read into an R data.frame with read.csv
nla_wq <- read.csv(nla_wq_url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nla_secchi <- read.csv(nla_secchi_url, stringsAsFactor = FALSE)
- Make sure you have both nla_wq and nla_secchi data.frames read in successfully.
- How many rows are in nla_wq?
- How many rows are in nla_secchi?
- Using
list out the column names to your screen.
So this dataset is a bit bigger than we probably want, let's do some clean up using dplyr
. We want to select out a few columns, filter out the data that we want and get our data.frame ready for futher analysis.
#Load dplyr into current session
#Clean up NLA Water quality
nla_wq_cln <- nla_wq %>%
filter(VISIT_NO == 1,
SITE_TYPE == "PROB_Lake") %>%
#Clean up NLA Secchi
nla_secchi_cln <- nla_secchi %>%
filter(VISIT_NO == 1) %>%
#Join the two together based on SITE_ID and the finally filter out NA's
nla <- left_join(x = nla_wq_cln, y = nla_secchi_cln, by = "SITE_ID") %>%
## Source: local data frame [974 x 10]
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <dbl>
## 1 NLA06608-0001 MT Region_8 REF NATURAL 6 151 0.474
## 2 NLA06608-0002 SC Region_4 SO-SO MAN-MADE 36 695 3.550
## 3 NLA06608-0003 TX Region_6 TRASH NATURAL 43 738 7.670
## 4 NLA06608-0004 CO Region_8 SO-SO MAN-MADE 18 344 3.810
## 5 NLA06608-0006 CT Region_1 REF MAN-MADE 7 184 0.901
## 6 NLA06608-0007 WI Region_5 REF NATURAL 8 493 1.050
## 7 NLA06608-0008 IA Region_7 SO-SO MAN-MADE 66 801 8.620
## 8 NLA06608-0010 MI Region_5 SO-SO NATURAL 10 473 3.050
## 9 NLA06608-0012 OK Region_6 TRASH MAN-MADE 159 1026 50.300
## 10 NLA06608-0013 NJ Region_2 SO-SO MAN-MADE 28 384 4.210
## .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
## Variables not shown: CHLA <dbl>, SECMEAN <dbl>.
So now we have a dataset ready for analysis.
- Using
see if you can create a new data frame that has just NTL and PTL for the state of Rhode Island.
First step in analyzing a dataset like this is going to be to dig through some basic statistics as well as some basic plots.
We can get a summary of the full data frame:
#Get a summary of the data frame
## Length:974 Length:974 Length:974
## Class :character Class :character Class :character
## Mode :character Mode :character Mode :character
## Length:974 Length:974 Min. : 1.0 Min. : 5.0
## Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.: 11.0 1st Qu.: 329.5
## Mode :character Mode :character Median : 30.0 Median : 603.5
## Mean : 114.1 Mean : 1190.5
## 3rd Qu.: 100.0 3rd Qu.: 1214.2
## Max. :4679.0 Max. :26100.0
## Min. : 0.237 Min. : 0.070 Min. : 0.0400
## 1st Qu.: 1.643 1st Qu.: 3.163 1st Qu.: 0.6125
## Median : 4.145 Median : 8.670 Median : 1.3000
## Mean : 14.133 Mean : 30.884 Mean : 2.0759
## 3rd Qu.: 11.675 3rd Qu.: 27.492 3rd Qu.: 2.7475
## Max. :574.000 Max. :936.000 Max. :36.7100
Or, we can pick and choose what stats we want. For instance:
#Stats for Total Nitrogen
## [1] 1190.468
## [1] 603.5
## [1] 5
## [1] 26100
## [1] 2122.182
## [1] 884.75
## [1] 5 26100
In these cases we took care of our NA values during our data clean up, but there may be reasons you would not want to do that. If you retained NA values, you would need to think about how to handle those. One way is to remove it from the calculation of the statistics using the na.rm = TRUE
argument. For instance:
#An example with NA's
x <- c(37,22,NA,41,19)
mean(x) #Returns NA
## [1] NA
mean(x, na.rm = TRUE) #Returns mean of 37, 22, 41, and 19
## [1] 29.75
It is also useful to be able to return some basic counts for different groups. For instance, how many lakes in the NLA were natural and how many were man made.
#The table() funciton is usefule for returning counts
## 568 406
The table()
function is also useful for looking at multiple columns at once. A contrived example of that:
x <- c(1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1,1)
y <- c(1,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0)
xy_tab <- table(x,y)
## y
## x 0 1
## 0 4 1
## 1 3 4
## y
## x 0 1
## 0 0.33333333 0.08333333
## 1 0.25000000 0.33333333
Lastly, we can combine these with some dplyr
and get summary stats for groups.
orig_stats_ntl <- nla %>%
group_by(LAKE_ORIGIN) %>%
summarize(mean_ntl = mean(NTL),
median_ntl = median(NTL),
sd_ntl = sd(NTL))
## Source: local data frame [2 x 4]
## LAKE_ORIGIN mean_ntl median_ntl sd_ntl
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 MAN-MADE 842.8644 544.5 961.5889
## 2 NATURAL 1676.7709 688.0 3019.7433
And, just because it is cool, a markdown table!
LAKE_ORIGIN | mean_ntl | median_ntl | sd_ntl |
MAN-MADE | 842.8644 | 544.5 | 961.5889 |
NATURAL | 1676.7709 | 688.0 | 3019.7433 |
- Look at some of the basic stats for other columns in our data. What is the standard deviation for PTL? What is the median Secchi depth? Play around with others.
- Using some
magic, let's look at mean Secchi by reference class (RT_NLA). - The
function allows greater control over getting different quantiles of your data. For instance you can use it to get the min, median and max withquantile(nla$NTL, probs = c(0,0.5,1))
. Re-write this function to return the 33 and 66 quantiles.
While visualization isn't the point of this lesson, some things are useful to do at this stage of analysis. In particular is looking at distributions and some basic scatterplots.
We can look at histograms and density:
#A single histogram using base
#Log transform it
hist(log1p(nla$NTL)) #log1p adds one to deal with zeros
#Density plot
And boxplots:
#Simple boxplots
#Boxplots per group
And scatterplots:
#A single scatterplot
#A matrix of scatterplot
Lastly, it might be nice to look at these on a per variable basis or on some grouping variable. First we could look at the density of each measured variable. This requires some manipulation of the data which will allow us to use facets in ggplot to create a density distribution for each of the variables.
#Getting super fancy with tidyr, plotly, and ggplot2 to visualize all variables
nla_gather <- gather(nla,parameter,value,6:10)
dens_gg <-ggplot(nla_gather,aes(x=log1p(value))) +
geom_density() +
facet_wrap("parameter") +
labs(x="log1p of measured value")
## Error in file(con, "rb"): cannot open the connection
Next we could look at a scatterplot matrix of the relationship between phosphorus and chlorophyl by each EPA Region. No need to re-do the shape of the data frame for this one.
ggplot(nla, aes(x=log1p(PTL),y=log1p(NTL))) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
- Build a scatterplot that looks at the relationship between PTL and NTL.
- Build a boxplot that shows a boxplot of secchi by the reference class (RT_NLA)/
There are way more tests than we can show examples for. For today we will show two very common and straightforward tests. The t-test and an ANOVA.
First we will look at the t-test to test and see if LAKE_ORIGIN
shows a difference in SECMEAN
. In other words can we expect a difference in clarity due to whether a lake is man-made or natural. This is a two-tailed test. There are two approaches for this 1) using the formula notation if your dataset is in a "long" format or 2) using two separate vectors if your dataset is in a "wide" format.
#Long Format - original format for LAKE_ORIGIN and SECMEAN
t.test(nla$SECMEAN ~ nla$LAKE_ORIGIN)
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: nla$SECMEAN by nla$LAKE_ORIGIN
## t = -4.7252, df = 611.31, p-value = 2.854e-06
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -1.0972582 -0.4529701
## sample estimates:
## mean in group MAN-MADE mean in group NATURAL
## 1.752817 2.527931
#Wide Format - need to do some work to get there - tidyr is handy!
wide_nla <- spread(nla,LAKE_ORIGIN,SECMEAN)
names(wide_nla)[9:10]<-c("man_made", "natural")
t.test(wide_nla$man_made, wide_nla$natural)
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: wide_nla$man_made and wide_nla$natural
## t = -4.7252, df = 611.31, p-value = 2.854e-06
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -1.0972582 -0.4529701
## sample estimates:
## mean of x mean of y
## 1.752817 2.527931
Same results, two different ways to approach. Take a look at the help (e.g. ?t.test
) for more details on other types of t-tests (e.g. paired, one-tailed, etc.)
ANOVA can get involved quickly and I haven't done them since my last stats class, so I'm not the best to talk about these, but the very basics require fitting a model and wrapping that in the aov
function. In the Getting More Help section I provide a link that would be a good first start for you ANOVA junkies. For today's lesson though, lets look at the simple case of a one-vay analysis of variance and check if reference class results in differences in our chlorophyll
# A quick visual of this:
# One way analysis of variance
nla_anova <- aov(log1p(CHLA)~RT_NLA, data=nla)
nla_anova #Terms
## Call:
## aov(formula = log1p(CHLA) ~ RT_NLA, data = nla)
## Terms:
## RT_NLA Residuals
## Sum of Squares 151.9282 1508.3926
## Deg. of Freedom 2 971
## Residual standard error: 1.246372
## Estimated effects may be unbalanced
summary(nla_anova) #The table
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## RT_NLA 2 151.9 75.96 48.9 <2e-16 ***
## Residuals 971 1508.4 1.55
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
anova(nla_anova) #The table with a bit more
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: log1p(CHLA)
## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
## RT_NLA 2 151.93 75.964 48.901 < 2.2e-16 ***
## Residuals 971 1508.39 1.553
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
The last bit of basic stats we will cover is going to be linear relationships.
Let's first take a look at correlations. These can be done with cor()
#For a pair
## [1] 0.8065128
#For a correlation matrix
## PTL 1.0000000 0.8065128 0.8019849 0.7204703 -0.7548438
## NTL 0.8065128 1.0000000 0.6995560 0.7342557 -0.6992012
## TURB 0.8019849 0.6995560 1.0000000 0.7225992 -0.8435743
## CHLA 0.7204703 0.7342557 0.7225992 1.0000000 -0.7823140
## SECMEAN -0.7548438 -0.6992012 -0.8435743 -0.7823140 1.0000000
#Spearman Rank Correlations
cor(log1p(nla[,6:10]),method = "spearman")
## PTL 1.0000000 0.8185463 0.8367840 0.7564151 -0.8199255
## NTL 0.8185463 1.0000000 0.7218904 0.7208925 -0.7176582
## TURB 0.8367840 0.7218904 1.0000000 0.7852845 -0.9305093
## CHLA 0.7564151 0.7208925 0.7852845 1.0000000 -0.8151644
## SECMEAN -0.8199255 -0.7176582 -0.9305093 -0.8151644 1.0000000
You can also test for differences using:
## Pearson's product-moment correlation
## data: log1p(nla$PTL) and log1p(nla$NTL)
## t = 42.53, df = 972, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 0.7833848 0.8274104
## sample estimates:
## cor
## 0.8065128
Basic linear models in R can be built with the lm()
function. If you aren't buiding stadard least squares regressin models, (e.g. logistic) or aren't doing linear models then you will need to look elsewhere (e.g glm()
, or nls()
). For today our focus is going to be on simple linear models. Let's look at our ability to model chlorophyll, given the other variables we have.
# The simplest case
chla_tp <- lm(log1p(CHLA) ~ log1p(PTL), data=nla) #Creates the model
summary(chla_tp) #Basic Summary
## Call:
## lm(formula = log1p(CHLA) ~ log1p(PTL), data = nla)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -5.1824 -0.4899 -0.0176 0.5734 2.7511
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.20573 0.07589 2.711 0.00683 **
## log1p(PTL) 0.63607 0.01964 32.390 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.9064 on 972 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.5191, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5186
## F-statistic: 1049 on 1 and 972 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
names(chla_tp) #The bits
## [1] "coefficients" "residuals" "effects" "rank"
## [5] "fitted.values" "assign" "qr" "df.residual"
## [9] "xlevels" "call" "terms" "model"
chla_tp$coefficients #My preference
## (Intercept) log1p(PTL)
## 0.2057317 0.6360718
coef(chla_tp) #Same thing, but from a function
## (Intercept) log1p(PTL)
## 0.2057317 0.6360718
head(resid(chla_tp)) # The resdiuals
## 1 2 3 4 5 6
## -1.22835884 -0.92561993 0.27539916 -0.35583962 0.09690549 -0.37076398
We can also do multiple linear regression.
chla_tp_tn_turb <- lm(log1p(CHLA) ~ log1p(PTL) + log1p(NTL) + log1p(TURB), data = nla)
## Call:
## lm(formula = log1p(CHLA) ~ log1p(PTL) + log1p(NTL) + log1p(TURB),
## data = nla)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -4.5990 -0.4362 0.0293 0.5239 2.2750
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) -1.77639 0.19696 -9.019 < 2e-16 ***
## log1p(PTL) 0.11454 0.03535 3.240 0.00123 **
## log1p(NTL) 0.47798 0.04149 11.522 < 2e-16 ***
## log1p(TURB) 0.40360 0.03833 10.529 < 2e-16 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.7973 on 970 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.6287, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6275
## F-statistic: 547.4 on 3 and 970 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
There's a lot more we can do with linear models including dummy variables (character or factors will work), interactions, etc. That's a bit more than we want to get into. Again the link below is a good place to start for more info.
- Use
to look at using secchi depth to predict chlorophyll.
One nice site that covers basic stats in R is Quick R: Basic Statistics. There are others, but that is a good first stop.