This project is designed to help learners distinguish words that may sound similar. For example: "right" and "light", "walk" and "woke"
The overal goal is to use this website to test and practise pronunciation. If the learner is able to hear and distinguish 100% of the words in each set, the next step would be to work on pronouncing the differences. That may be a future project to work on.
Go to this page: and then choose a set.
- Images from Irasutoya
- Recordings of words
- Perhaps remove TTS service alltogether? Causing more hassle and not as consistant
Load the images smoothly
- Set to blank, fade out, switch image, fade in
Think about a scoreboard or account system
- When a set is selected, start a timer and at the end stop it
- At the results page,
- If you complete a set with a 100% score, a green ✔ appears
- Record the score