A one-page web application where the user can get multiple twitter user timelines.
Search for user timelines and see suggestions (autocompletion).
Selected timeline displayed on the frontend.
Multiple user timelines support. Add as many user timelines as needed.
Timelines can display images and videos. Additionaly, urls are enriched with metadata so that it displays a url preview. Hashtags and user handles are clickable and redirect the user to Twitter`s relevant timeline.
The user can comment, retweet and like a post. Redirect to twitter for selected intent.
The project requirements.
Dockered Redis: Used for caching requests, atomic, multi instance support
- twitter -> Twitter Nodejs Client
- express -> Http Server Framework
- jest -> Testing Framework
- supertest -> Http Endpoint Testing
- redis -> Redis Client For Caching
- dotenv -> .env File Loader
GET /api/tweets/:user_id
30 seconds Redis cache
The application is caching the timeline tweets for a user_id for 30s. Within the 30s, if another user request this timeline, it will be served from cache.
curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/tweets/911154056302940160' --compressed
GET /api/twitter/user/:screen_name
30 minutes Redis cache
The application is caching the screen_name results for a given search query for 30m. Within the 30m, if another user request this screen_name, it will be served from app cache.
curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/twitter/user/elonmusk' --compressed
GET /api/link/meta?link=_link
30m Redis Cache
Caching the metadata results for a given url found on a tweet for 30m.
curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/link/meta?link=https://google.com' --compressed
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- react -> Functional UI Framework
- lodash -> Javascript Utilities Library - Used For Debouncing AutoComplete User Search Requests
- timeago.js -> Tiny 2kb Lib to format Time to Time ago
- react-bulma-components -> Bulma UI Framework React Components
- jest -> Default CRA Test Library
- react-app-polyfill -> Adding IE9 and IE11 Polyfills (since we use fetch)
- Nodejs 10+
- Docker
- docker-compose
1 - Install Dependencies
npm install
2 - Start the Redis Docker Container
docker-compose up redis &
1 - Create an .env file at root of project with the following structure
2 - Run The Backend Server
npm run dev:server
3 - Run The Ui Frontend Dev Server
npm start
NOTE: Requests in development mode are proxyed trough the react dev server to the backend server.
- Nodejs 10+
- Docker
- docker-compose
1 - Install Dependencies
npm install
2 - Start the Redis Docker Container
docker-compose up redis &
1 - Create and .env file at root of project with the following structure
2 - Run The Backend Server
npm run start:prod
1 - Create and .env file at root of project with the following structure
2 - Start the Redis Docker Container And Twitt Application
docker-compose up &