This is mashup of this forked project and the hardware & some code from [here] (
This script will allow you to communicate directly with your Raspberry Pi using JWCHAT.
You can run it in any device that supports google hangouts
1. Install Python 2.7
sudo apt-get install python-pip git-core python2.7-dev
2. Update easy_install
sudo easy_install -U distribute
3. Install GPIO, xmpppy and pydns modules.
sudo pip install RPi.GPIO xmpppy pydns
4. Clone this repository.
git clone
5 Enter in the folder.
cd raspi_gtalk_robot
6. Edit
sudo nano
7. Search for (BOT_GTALK_USER, BOT_GTALK_PASS, and BOT_ADMIN) in lines 31-33. Edit them and save all the changes.
8. Run the script.
sudo python ./
As mitchtech said in this blog entry:
[garage] : turns pin 18 high and opens the garage door
[pinon|pon|on|high] [pin] : turns on the specified GPIO pin
[pinoff|poff|off|low] [pin] : turns off the specified GPIO pin
[write|w] [pin] [state] : writes specified state to the specified GPIO pin
[read|r] [pin]: reads the value of the specified GPIO pin
[available|online|busy|dnd|away|idle|out|xa] [arg1] : set gtalk state and status message to specified argument
[shell|bash] [arg1] : executes the specified shell command argument after ‘shell’ or ‘bash’