Casino is a java application that contains 3 main, console-based, text games.
Main Classes
1. SlotMachine.java (singleplayer)
- A slot machine that can has the features of pulling lever(generate random numbers and go through a series of logic), top-up machine(in order to use the slot machine the user should input credits), check balance, cash out(cash out earnings), swap slot machines(total of 3 possible slot machines that the user can swap to), show house credit(outputs the total credits inside the slot machines that have been used).
2. DrinkingGame.java (multiplayer)
- A 2-person game that is basically a higher-lower card game. Each player draws a card from a deck. The game will run until there are no more cards in the deck. The player with a "higher" card wins.
3. Snap.java (multiplayer)
- A 2-person, higher-lower card game similar to DrinkingGame but with a twist. Players take turns drawing a card from the main deck and placing them into a pile. If the cards that have been placed in the pile are the same, the first player who "snaps" will take all the cards in the pile. If a player calls a snap incorrectly (when the cards that have been placed do not match) the other player gets to collect the pile.
4. Card.java
- Card.java creates card objects that will be called in the deck class.
5. Deck.java
- Deck.java creates a deck filled with 52 card objects. The deck can be shuffled to arrange the card objects in a random order.