Deploy Supabase on Elestio.
You can open Supabase Studio here:
Login: root (set in reverse proxy)
password: [ADMIN_PASSWORD] (set in reverse proxy)
The rest API is available here:
Base URL: https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN]
REST API URL: https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN]/rest/v1/
can be found in ./keys.env
You can deploy multiple instances of Supabase to the same CI/CD target, each instance is a different app with different credentials
To add a new edge function, go to the VM and create a new folder inside volumes/functions and create a file index.ts
You can try it both post and get examples here:
curl -X POST \
'https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN]/functions/v1/hello' \
--header 'Accept: */*' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
curl https://[CI_CD_DOMAIN]/functions/v1/hello