This is a Terraform module for managing objects at PostgreSQL. You can use this module both for commercial or non-commercial purposes.
Currently, you can manage these resources in PostgreSQL by using this module:
- role
- database
- schema
- grant
- extension
- physical_replication_slot
Tested in:
- PostgreSQL
- Terraform with version >= 1.4
- Cyrilgdn/postgresql
- Hashicorp/random
You can check any examples projects that use this module under examples
- config-1-basic
- role-1-basic
- database-1-basic
- grant-1-basic
p.s.: If you see foreign data wrapper and pubsub modules, basically it's executable. But when I run the example it's still showing
No changes infrastructure
. I keep the modules until I've found the workaround.
You can check any examples tfvars that use this module under examples
- config-1-basic
- role-1-basic
- database-1-basic
- grant-1-basic
I am trying to follow these approaches for ensuring quality of the tf-module:
- validate, ensure my Terraform module is in correct configuration based on Terraform guideline
- auto-format, ensure my Terraform script is edited with correct format based on Terraform guideline
- linter, ensure my Terraform script is in correct format based on Terraform guideline
- security, ensure my Terraform module is free from CVE and stay compliance
- automation, run all above steps by using automation tool to improve development time and keep best quality before or after merging to Git repository
The tools:
- terraform validate
- terraform fmt
- tflint
- tfsec
- Pre-commit
- Github Action Setup Terraform pipeline
If you find any issue, you can raise it here at our Issue Tracker
If you have something that you want to merge to this repo, just raise Pull Requests
Ensure that you install all the tools from section D. for development purpose.