Java serialization utility for official IATA Ontology on GitHub at
To integrate this library in your own project, follow instructions at because this library is not published on Maven Central Repository.
The following code provides a pre-configured ObjectMapper via Jackson which reflect the requirements and formatting rules of the IATA ONE Record project:
ObjectMapper mapper = JacksonObjectMapper.buildMapperWithoutTimezone();
String json = mapper
Reading into the right class could be done like this (assuming JSON contains the class in attribute @type
as array, e.g. "@type" : [ "" ]
ObjectNode objectNode = mapper.readValue(json, ObjectNode.class);
JsonNode typeNode = objectNode.get("@type");
ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) typeNode;
String typeValue = arrayNode.get(0).textValue();
String clazzName = typeValue.substring(typeValue.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
String packageName = TestPojo.class.getPackage().getName();
Class clazz = Class.forName(packageName + "." + clazzName);
Object obj = mapper.readValue(json, clazz);
TestPojo pojo = (TestPojo) obj;