A convolutional neural network that can read handwritten numerals and accurately predict what they are.
Please do not expect this to be perfect, it has undergone minimal updates/patches and will occasionally falsely predict the number given.
usage: python -m make_predicton [image file path]
Some example images have been provided in the repository.
If you don't have it yet, you can install it by running pip install tensorboard
in your terminal.
- Once you have TensorBoard installed, run your prediction, and then open up a terminal window and run
tensorboard --logdir=[log path]
- The prediction that you just ran will have produced log files which will be in the directory you create for them. In
the callback is configured for use of a directory./logs
but you can change that to fit your own needs by simply editing the TensorBoard instance. Use this in place of[log path]
- Open up a browser and go to
to view your logs.