I'm a self-taught developer.
I mainly work with Next/Nuxt ecosystems for frontend applications, with Go, Python and Node backends. I also do some infrastructure and DevOps work for my projects, using tools like Docker for orchestration and NixOS as my remote SSH OS.
- Tech: Vue 3, Nuxt Bridge, PostCSS, Apollo GraphQL Server/Client, PostgreSQL
- Tech: Vue, React, Nuxt; Next.js, PostCSS; Tailwind, Ethers, Wagmi and Viem, Wallet Integrations for Stacks, EVM Chains, Solana, Web3 Contracts Integrations
- Clients Include: TCG World - Web3 Metaverse Game & Marketplace, Nagano - Sports Engagement Platform, Klikr - Telegram Gamification Platform + NDA and internal research projects
- Tech: Vue 2 (Composition API module), Nuxt 2, SCSS, REST/Apollo GraphQL, MariaDB/PostgreSQL
- Significant Contributions: Chrome Extension for Game Clubs, Tournament Overlays, Dashboard for Hub's admins an players
- Non-Commercial:
- Overlay and administration tools for Triple Rumble Royale Beat Saber tournaments - over £1,200 raised for Samaritans charity
- Overlay help and contributions for several Beat Saber and CS tournaments
- Small commercial projects:
- MultiVM Explorer Prototype - to be released