This is a pure Javascript implementation of Blowfish symmetric block cipher algorithm.
const blf = require('./blowfish.js');
const crypto = require('crypto');
let key = crypto.randomBytes(32);
let context = blf.key(key);
let plaintext = 'Length is divisible by 8 to match the block size';
let ciphertext = blf.ecb(context, Buffer.from(plaintext, 'utf8'));
let decrypted = blf.ecb(context, ciphertext, true);
let key = crypto.randomBytes(16);
let iv = crypto.randomBytes(8);
let context = blf.key(key);
let plaintext = 'CBC mode also requires full blocks. Pad input data if necessary.';
let ciphertext = blf.cbc(context, iv, Buffer.from(plaintext, 'utf8'));
let decrypted = blf.cbc(context, iv, ciphertext, true);
let key = crypto.randomBytes(16);
let iv = crypto.randomBytes(8);
let context = blf.key(key);
let plaintext = 'Same with CFB. Full blocks only!';
let ciphertext = blf.cfb(context, iv, Buffer.from(plaintext, 'utf8'));
let decrypted = blf.cfb(context, iv, ciphertext, true);
let key = crypto.randomBytes(16);
let iv = crypto.randomBytes(8);
let context = blf.key(key);
let plaintext = 'With OFB, input length can be anything, but remember to use a unique IV every time! Encryption and decryption are identical in this mode.';
let ciphertext = blf.ofb(context, iv, Buffer.from(plaintext, 'utf8'));
let decrypted = blf.ofb(context, iv, ciphertext, true);
Test vectors are included into the package. Results of ecb, cbc, cfb, and ofb functions are identical to nodejs crypto subsystem cipher algorithms bf-ecb, bf-cbc, bf-cfb, and bf-ofb respectively.
Timo J. Rinne