is a self-contained tool for determining the Census
blockgroup for a street address. It is developed by
Research Improving People's Lives (RIPL).
Due to outstanding bugs in dependencies introduced in Python 3.10.0,
requires Python >=3.7 and <3.10.
To install from PyPI using pip:
pip install censuscoding
To install a development version from the current directory:
pip install -e .
There is a single command line script included, censuscoding
supports the following arguments:
- path to an input CSV file containing columnsrecord_id
, andaddress
- path to output CSV file containingrecord_id
- field name corresponding to the record ID (default: 'record_id')--zip_code
- field name corresponding to the zip code (default: 'zip_code')--address
- field name corresponding to the street address with street name and number (default: 'address')
is freely available for non-commercial use under the license provided in LICENSE.
To inquiry about commercial use, please contact connect@ripl.org.
Data included in the censuscoding
package were derived from the following sources:
Version e911Sites21r1.
These data are designed and maintained for RI E 9-1-1 mapping software. They are not intended for any other purpose. This dataset is provided 'as is.’ The producer(s) of this dataset, contributors to this dataset, the Rhode Island Geographic Information System (RIGIS) consortium, the State of Rhode Island, and the University of Rhode Island do not make any warranties of any kind for this dataset, and are not liable for any loss or damage however and whenever caused by any use of this dataset. Please acknowledge both RIGIS and the primary producer(s) of this dataset in any derived products. Versions of the RIGIS logo suitable for both printed and web-based products are available at https://www.rigis.org.
Version 2020.