Author: terorie
This BN plugin implements a Capstone-powered disassembler and lifter for the Solana bytecode format.
Kernel eBPF support is WIP.
# For Capstone v5
git submodule update --init
# Binary Ninja SDK
git clone --depth=1
# Qt6 (macOS)
brew install qt6
# Qt6 (Debian)
apt install qt6-base-dev libgl1-mesa-dev
# An installation of Binary Ninja
# Use latest development build, stable is always broken
# macOS: /Applications/Binary
# Linux: ~/binaryninja
mkdir build
# protip: use -DHEADLESS=1 if you don't want to get Qt6
cmake -B build . -G Ninja -DBN_API_PATH=./binaryninja-api
cmake --build build
To install, copy or symlink build/
into ~/.binaryninja/plugins
When starting BN, the log should display: [Core] Loaded native plugin arch_ebpf