Contributors can benefit from having real data when they are
developing. This script can do a few things (see sample1.yml
or sample2.yml
Truncate any tables (logs, and other cruft which may have sensitive data)
Nullify fields (emails, passwords, etc)
Fill in random/arbitrary data:
- Random integers
- Random IP addresses
- Random Cell Phone
- Random Phone
- Random CPF
- Random CNPJ
- Email addresses
- Usernames
- Text Loren Ipsum
Delete rows based on simple rules: e.g.
DELETE FROM mytable WHERE private = "Yes"
:database: tables: mytable: nullify: private: Yes
Apply rules exception in some cases: e.g.
UPDATE mytable SET cellphone=NULL WHERE id NOT IN(556, 889)
:database: tables: mytable: exception: - 556 - 889 nullify: - cellphone
Define an other name for primary key of table: e.g.
UPDATE mytable SET `email` = CONCAT(user_id, '')
:database: tables: primary_key: user_id mytable: random_email: email
pip install
anonymize --sample-one
anonymize --sample-two
anonymize -y database.yml