Este repositório contém todos as aplicações construídas durante a imersão (de modo assíncrono ao evento)
- Docker (For containerization)
- Kubernetes (For containers orchestration).
- Golang (Geolocation Simulator)
- Simulates a moving vehicle in a specific path. Parses those as JSON and sends to Apache-Kafka for Producing the streams as Events for the Consumers.
- Apache Kafka
- Mentioned above, Apache's Open Source Event Streaming platform, used mainly for real time feedback, low latency and Critical services (in This case, the Deliverer's current Location)
- NestJS (Javascript backend framework)
- Used as the backend of the project. Save new routes in MongoD, then exposes the simulated routes requested by the Frontend, and consumes current positions generated by Kafka's Producer.Then, finally, work as an API gateway, routing the positions via web sockets ( to the Client
- ReactJS (Frontend javascript library)
- Simple frontend design made in Typescript. Integrates with GCP Google Maps API to monitoring current "Deliverer position", Material-UI was used as component library.