Bypass Geetest Slider Captcha using Selenium and OpenCV
To install required dependencies, run this in a shell/terminal
pip install -r requirements.txt
apt install chromium-chromedriver # if running on linux
Now import the GSC_solver
from gsc import GSC_solver
gsc = GSC_solver()
search_term = 'bts_official_bighit'
driver = gsc.solve(f'{search_term}')
. . .
driver = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_driver_path, desired_capabilities=caps, options=chrome_options)
search_term = 'bts_official_bighit'
# Solve captcha by passing webdriver object
driver = gsc.solve(driver)
. . .
If you want to save snapshots like these, give location at snapshot_path
in solve
gsc.solve(. . . , snapshot_path = 'enter_path_here')