I've been doing web development for a while now and designing and working on projects with unique ideas has always inspired me. I am believed to be creative and I love to learn new things. I am interested to learn more languages and App Development, and also travel to Hogwarts!
I am currently working on some cool Deep and Machine Learning projects, and learning the fundamentals of the job of a Data Analyst.
- ๐ย I'm based in India
- โ๏ธย You can contact me at gupta06rishika@gmail.com
- ๐ย I'm currently working on Land Assessment for Protected Land- DL based project, and am designing UI for a new cool app soon to be launched :D
- ๐ง ย I'm constantly learning.
- ๐คย I'm open to collaboratin on some cool projects based on Web Dev, Design or Deep Learning.
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