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FrenkyDema edited this page Nov 22, 2024 · 9 revisions

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Welcome to the Risto Widgets Wiki


Risto Widgets is a Flutter package that offers a variety of reusable and customizable widgets, specifically designed to streamline UI development in Flutter. These widgets are grouped into different categories based on their functionality, making it easier for developers to find and implement the components they need.

Widget Categories

Below is an overview of the custom widgets available in Risto Widgets, categorized by their type or function. Click on the widget name to learn more about its features, constructors, properties, and usage examples.

1. Buttons

  • Custom Action Button
    • A versatile button widget that can be customized for various actions and use cases.
  • SinglePressButton
    • A customizable button that ensures the onPressed callback is invoked only once per press, preventing multiple invocations during a single press.
  • ListTile Button
    • A customizable list tile button with options for leading icons, titles, subtitles, and trailing widgets.
  • Increment/Decrement Widget
    • A widget featuring increment and decrement buttons to control numeric values.

2. Expandable Widgets

  • Expandable ListTile Button
    • A widget that combines an expandable panel with a custom list tile button, providing interactive and customizable content.

3. Modals and Sheets

  • Open Custom Sheet
    • A flexible widget to display custom bottom sheets, ideal for presenting modals or additional content.

Getting Started

If you're new to Risto Widgets, follow these steps to integrate it into your Flutter project:

  1. Installation:

    • Add the risto_widgets package to your pubspec.yaml file:
        risto_widgets: ^0.1.0
    • Run flutter pub get to install the package.
  2. Import the Package:

    • Include the package in your Dart code:
      import 'package:risto_widgets/risto_widgets.dart';
  3. Usage:

    • Refer to the specific widget pages for detailed instructions on how to use each widget.

Contribution Guide

We welcome contributions! If you'd like to contribute, please read our Contribution Guide to learn how you can help.

Support and Feedback

If you have any questions, issues, or feedback, please create an issue on our GitHub Issues page. We appreciate your input and look forward to your contributions!