Welcome to Cookpal, your go-to platform for exploring a wide range of recipes! Cookpal is a web application developed as a project for our web assignment in the first year. It is built using React+Vite for the frontend and Firebase for the backend. With Cookpal, users can discover delicious recipes, access premium features, and enjoy functionalities such as user authentication, login, and signup.
- Project Name: Cookpal
- Team Members: @JalinaH, @Akith-002, @VishwaJaya01, saradi
We're excited to announce that Cookpal is now live! We've deployed the site using Firebase, and you can access it through the following link: https://cookpal-7029c.web.app/. Feel free to explore the platform and discover your next favorite recipe!
If you're interested in diving into the code or running Cookpal locally on your machine, here's how you can get started:
Clone the Repository: First, clone the Cookpal repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/rithakith/RecipeApp.git
Navigate to the Project Directory: Open a terminal window and navigate to the root folder of the project:
cd Cookpal
Install Dependencies: Before running the application, install the necessary dependencies by running:
npm install
Launch React App: Once the dependencies are installed, start the React application with the following command:
npm run dev
Access Cookpal: You can now access Cookpal by opening a web browser and navigating to http://localhost:5173/.
User Authentication using Firebase: Securely sign up and log in to the website using your email and password.
Profile Page: View and manage your profile page to personalize your experience on the website.
Recipe Management:
- Create your own recipes with ease.
- View recipes with detailed information including:
- Owner's name
- Portion size
- Cook time
- Last updated date
Tag Filtering: Easily filter recipes using tags to find exactly what you're looking for.
Login modal displayed upon successful login.
Modal displaying when your not logged in.
While Cookpal is already packed with features, we're constantly working on improvements to enhance the user experience and add new functionalities. Stay tuned for exciting updates!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions for improving Cookpal. Thank you for your interest!