Searchterm Network Map is a deployable webapp keyword mapper.
It uses the search term entered to form a network map with the information available to it and is stored in its database.
(Try searching for 'Car')
- Cockroach db - For cloud database support
- Streamlit - For easy to deploy webapp
- pyvis library - For network map
- git clone
- cd Searchterm-Network-Map
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- update the networkmap/ file line number 8 for various required fields
- alternatively to the above step you can also create a file named secrets.toml under .streamlit in the current directory and fill in the necessary fields
- streamlit run
- git clone
- cd Searchterm-Network-Map
- pipenv shell
- pipenv install
- update the networkmap/ file line number 8 for various required fields
- alternatively to the above step you can also create a file named secrets.toml under .streamlit in the current directory and fill in the necessary fields
- streamlit run
- Uses cloub database hence easily scalable even after continous deployment
- Interactive nodes and edges
- Nodes show neighbours information when mouse hovers over them
- Edges widths are accoding to its relationship strength with the nodes
- Map limited to 3 level relations though easily upgradable/downgradeable
- Easy to navigate the nodes
- Easy to use and understand webapp
- Generates output network map on an HTML file when deployed locally
- Generates data and relation strength in csv form when deployed locally
Currently the database only has 'car' information thus other searches won't return a network map.