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Gateway-In-a-Box: A Portable Solution for Developing Science Gateways that Support Interactive and Batch Computing Modes

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Gateway-In-a-Box (GIB)

Gateway-In-a-Box: A Portable Solution for Developing Science Gateways that Support Interactive and Batch Computing Modes.

GIB is a reusable and a portable framework for building web portals that support computation and analyses on remote computing resources from the convenience of the web-browser. It is mainly written in Java/Java EE. It provides support for an interactive terminal emulator, batch job submission, file management, storage-quota management, message board, user account management, and also provides an admin console. GIB can be easily deployed on the resources in the cloud or on-premises.

THIS REPO IS MEANT FOR REPLICATING IPT-WEB: The header, footer, and other code in this repo are customized for IPT. The generalized version of the GIB code is in the following repository:


Copyright (c) 2021, The University of Texas at San Antonio Copyright (c) 2021, Ritu Arora

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the organizations (The University of Texas at San Antonio) nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL RITU ARORA BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.


  • Installing the front-end and middle layer

The process may take up to six minutes, particularly the tomcat_springipt container.

The middle-layer contains:

  1. Manager node
  2. Greyfish, cloud storage. More information about greyfish can be obtained on its README, both for this project or in its original repository.
# Download the git repository
git clone

# Create the necessary volumes
docker volume create --name=myvol
docker volume create --name=greyfish

# Modify the environment variables for the middle layer
# The variale values  are used for setting up the credentails and using them later
cd gib/middle-layer

vi .env
# Set the values of the following variables as per your choice in the .env file.


# Copy the environment variables file to springIPT directory
cp .env ../springipt/envar.txt
cp .env ../springipt/.env

# Only change the values of <IPaddress> <portnumber>(generally 6603) and <databasename>(same to MYSQL_DATABASE variable) in the .env files above.


# Start the middle layer
# if not already in the directory named middle-layer then switch to it - uncomment the command below
#cd middle-layer
docker-compose up -d

# Enter manager node container
docker exec -it manager_node bash

# If first time, generate an ssh key to allow rsync
ssh-keygen -t rsa -N ""  -f rsync_wetty.key

# Activate (change the number of threads if needed with the -w flag, defined in .env)
gunicorn -w $gthreads -b traffic:app &

# Leave container

# Enter greyfish (storage) container
docker exec -it greyfish bash
cd /grey
# Activate the APIs (change the number of threads if needed, standard is 4)
./ -up

# Leave container

# Start springIPT and MySQL containers
cd ../springipt

# Edit DB settings
vi initdb/start.sql

# Replace original <db_user> with value for environment variable: MYSQL_USER and <DB user's Password> with value for environment variable:  MYSQL_PASSWORD

# Edit docker-compose.yml by replacing values of tags enclosed by {} in services:web:volumes... e.g {LOCAL_ENVAR}->./envar.txt
vi docker-compose.yml

# Edit the values of keystoreFile(<connecter port=8443>) and keystorePass(<connecter port=8443>) in server.xml by removing values enclosed with "<>" and update it later after installing secure version of SpringIPT
vi server.xml

# Update client_id, scope, redirect_uri under login_cilogon function and client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri under welcome function according to your CILogon registration details
vi src/main/java/com/ipt/web/controller/

# Install Maven if not already installed, then execute maven build 
mvn clean package

# if rebuilding: docker kill tomcat_springipt; docker rm tomcat_springipt
docker-compose up -d --build
  • Installing secure version of SpringIPT
#Enter IPT container
docker exec -it tomcat_springipt bash

#Generate Keystore, change the variable <keystore> as per your choice
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA -keystore <keystore>

#Create password for keystore and enter the details as required.
#Verify the deatils and enter 'yes'
#Press "Enter/Return" when asked for password again

#Exit the container

#Pull generated keystore file from container
docker cp tomcat_springipt:/usr/local/tomcat/<keystore> .

#Change server.xml
vi server.xml

#Change the following values: <path and name of keystore file>, <password>(with password of generated keystore file)
<Connector port="8443" protocol="HTTP/1.1" SSLEnabled="true"
               maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"
               clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" 
	       keystoreFile="/usr/local/tomcat/<path and name of keystore file>"
	       keystorePass="<password>" />
#Edit docker-compose.yml file to add keystore file and edited server.xml
vi docker-compose.yml

#Add the following lines after line #20, take care of indentation.
- ./keystore:/usr/local/tomcat/keystore
- ./server.xml:/usr/local/tomcat/conf/server.xml

# Bring down the running containers
docker-compose down -v

# Rebuild the containers
docker-compose up -d --build
  • Installing the wetty terminal


Wetty should be installed on the different VMs than the one on which the middle-layer and front-end are installed. To setup Wetty with Docker Swarm cluster, at least two VMs are required for the Wetty cluster. There will be two types of nodes in the cluster:

  1. Manager Node – Pick any VM as manager node
  2. Worker Node – all other VMs except manager node will act as worker nodes

In total, a minimum of three VMs are needed - one for the front-end and the middle-layer, and the other two VMs for the Wetty containers.

manager_node_ip refers to the manager node VM’s IP address

conductor refers to the IP or URL (without http://, https://, or the ending /) where springIPT is located at.

orchestra_key refers to the manager's node key, declared in gib/middle-layer/.env

  1. On the manager node, initiate Docker swarm and create volume for local storage.
# Initiate docker swarm on manager node and copy the docker swarm join command appeared on the console after execution
docker swarm init --advertise-addr manager_node_ip

# Create shared volume for rsync on manager node
docker volume create --name=rsync_data
  1. Add all worker nodes to the docker swarm cluster using swarm join command.
# Sample docker swarm join command shown below. Execute the copied command in step 1(generated after executing docker swarm init) on each worker node. 
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-09qr5nh49km67h2b30p84jqwqyxpap3mnivk0b4dbj9x7av70s-bz6a00c5cwlht10h3sye9n12y manager_node_ip:2377
  1. On manager node, start ssh server first and then startup wetty. Starting any container on manager node will replicate it on all of the nodes in swarm cluster.
# Start ssh server on manager node
docker service create -d --name "ssh-wetty" --mode global -e conductor=" IP_ADDRESS_OF_SPRINGIPT" -e orchestra_key="orchestra" -p 4646:22 --mount src=rsync_data,dst=/home/rsync_user/data saumyashah/swarm_easy_wetty_ssh

# Wetty startup on manager node
docker service create -d --name "w0" --mode global -e conductor=" IP_ADDRESS_OF_SPRINGIPT" -e orchestra_key="orchestra" -p 7000:3000 -p 7100:3100 --mount src=rsync_data,dst=/gib/global/data saumyashah/swarm_easy_wetty_standalone main_daemon
docker service create -d --name "w1" --mode global -e conductor=" IP_ADDRESS_OF_SPRINGIPT" -e orchestra_key="orchestra" -p 7001:3000 -p 7101:3100 --mount src=rsync_data,dst=/gib/global/data saumyashah/swarm_easy_wetty_standalone main_daemon
docker service create -d --name "w2" --mode global -e conductor=" IP_ADDRESS_OF_SPRINGIPT" -e orchestra_key="orchestra" -p 7002:3000 -p 7102:3100 --mount src=rsync_data,dst=/gib/global/data saumyashah/swarm_easy_wetty_standalone main_daemon
docker service create -d --name "w3" --mode global -e conductor=" IP_ADDRESS_OF_SPRINGIPT" -e orchestra_key="orchestra" -p 7003:3000 -p 7103:3100 --mount src=rsync_data,dst=/gib/global/data saumyashah/swarm_easy_wetty_standalone main_daemon
docker service create -d --name "w4" --mode global -e conductor=" IP_ADDRESS_OF_SPRINGIPT" -e orchestra_key="orchestra" -p 7004:3000 -p 7104:3100 --mount src=rsync_data,dst=/gib/global/data saumyashah/swarm_easy_wetty_standalone main_daemon
docker service create -d --name "w5" --mode global -e conductor=" IP_ADDRESS_OF_SPRINGIPT" -e orchestra_key="orchestra" -p 7005:3000 -p 7105:3100 --mount src=rsync_data,dst=/gib/global/data saumyashah/swarm_easy_wetty_standalone main_daemon
  • Testing the installation The front-end would be accessible at the IP address associated with the VM on which the installation was done as shown below: http://IPAddress:8443/

  • Removing the gib containers

To kill and remove the gib containers, except wetty instances:

docker kill manager_node && docker rm manager_node
docker kill greyfish && docker rm greyfish
docker kill tomcat_springipt && docker rm tomcat_springipt
docker kill mysql_springipt && docker rm mysql_springipt

If all the containers belong to gib:

docker kill $(docker ps -aq) && docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
  • Receiving Jobs

GIB will run user jobs in a supercomputer with the Slurm scheduler. In order to take advantage of this, execute the following commands from the supercomputer to set up the necessary directories and environmental variables

git clone
cd Backend

# Mofidy the .env file with data corresponding to GIB, supercomputer user information (username and allocation name), etc.
# sc_server: Stampede2/Lonestar5/Comet
# execution_directory: Directory in which jobs are run and temporarily stored
vi .env

chmod +x
chmod +x

Requests available jobs from the server (may also run as a cron job):


Delete data corresponding to jobs already run (may be run as a cron job):


NB: As of right now, GIB only supports Stampede2, Lonestar5 (Texas Advanced Computing Center), and Comet (San Diego Supercomputer Center).

  • Authentication Customization

By default, authentication is enabled via web portal (that is, using the web portal credentials) and CILogon(after updating CILogon configuration while setting up the web portal). To enable LDAP authentication, follow the instructions(with keyword "enable ldap") mentioned on each page mentioned below:

  1. login_normal.jsp
  4. appconfig-security.xml
  • Customizing access to "compile and run" page

By default, all the users have access to the "compile and run" page.

To restrict access such that only:

  1. LDAP and CILogon users can access this page, uncomment the code under compileRunStatus function inside as instructed on the second last line of the method (line #509).
  2. LDAP users can access the page, uncomment the code under compileRunStatus function inside as instructed on the second last line of the method (line #509) and remove " request.getSession().getAttribute("is_cilogon").toString()=="true" || " from the if-condition at line #499
  3. CIlogon users can access the page, then uncomment the following code on line #499 & line #500
if( request.getSession().getAttribute("is_cilogon").toString()=="true" || authentication.getPrincipal().toString().contains("ROLE_ADMIN"))
return "compileRun_v5";

and append followiing lines,

return "accessDenied";


If user is already using terminal in one browser and tries to access terminal in different browser simultaneously then they won't be able to access it. We are working on this and will release the fix in next release.


Gateway-In-a-Box: A Portable Solution for Developing Science Gateways that Support Interactive and Batch Computing Modes






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