A simple, lightweight, zero-dependency NodeJS EventEmitter for Docker Events.
npm install @rjchicago/docker-event-stream --save
Call DockerEventStream.init()
to initialize. By default, DockerEventStream
will emit all events for both scopes local
and swarm
You may pass options
in the init call to connect a remote host, limit or filter events.
const options = {
host: $HOST, // hostname or IP
port: $PORT, // i.e. 2375
since: $SINCE, // i.e. '10s'
filter: {
$FILTER1_KEY: $FILTER1_VALUE, // i.e. scope: 'local'
$FILTER2_KEY: $FILTER2_VALUE, // i.e. type: 'container'
$FILTER3_KEY: [ $FILTER3_VALUE1, $FILTER3_VALUE2 ] // i.e. event: [ 'start', 'die' ]
In this demo, we'll use the default configuration and log all events to console.
Demo index.js
const DockerEventStream = require('@rjchicago/docker-event-stream');
DockerEventStream.on('event', console.log);
To bring up our demo app, run the following...
# create demo folder
mkdir docker-event-stream-demo
cd docker-event-stream-demo
# init
npm init -y
npm install -s @rjchicago/docker-event-stream
# create demo index.js
echo "const DockerEventStream = require('@rjchicago/docker-event-stream');
DockerEventStream.on('event', console.log);" > index.js
# run demo
node index.js
Next, in another shell, test an event:
docker run --rm alpine echo "hello"
In the application shell, you will see the stream of docker events...
status: 'create',
id: 'd5af2dc4f43d6866bd2a8991a0584268ac5aad94b7014ff5c5dfa2f1259037bd',
from: 'alpine:3.15',
Type: 'container',
Action: 'create',
Actor: {
ID: 'd5af2dc4f43d6866bd2a8991a0584268ac5aad94b7014ff5c5dfa2f1259037bd',
Attributes: { image: 'alpine:3.15', name: 'random_name' }
scope: 'local',
time: 1643984948,
timeNano: 1643984948954996500
can be Unix timestamps, date formatted timestamps, or Go duration strings (e.g. 10m, 1h30m).- if you do not provide the
option, only new and/or live events will be emitted.
The currently supported filters are:
- config (config=
name or id
)- container (container=
name or id
)- daemon (daemon=
name or id
)- event (event=
event action
)- image (image=
repository or tag
)- label (label=
or label=key
)- network (network=
name or id
)- node (node=
)- plugin (plugin=
name or id
)- scope (scope=
local or swarm
)- secret (secret=
name or id
)- service (service=
name or id
)- type (type=
container or image or volume or network or daemon or plugin or service or node or secret or config
)- volume (volume=
- using the same filter multiple times will be handled as
.- using multiple filters will be handled as
The following will listen on "local" events since "30s" ago from containers "foo" OR
"bar" only:
const options = {
since: 30s,
filter: {
scope: 'local',
container: ['foo', 'bar']
When running Node.js inside of Docker, you need map the docker socket under volumes in your docker-compose.yml:
- /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Increment the package version and commit with the follow message format:
Release ${VERSION}
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