A object-oriented wrapper around the NetCDF Fortran 90 interface.
- NetCDF fortran 90 interface
- A Fortran2003 compatible compiler
The module is tested to work with the following compilers:
- GNU gfortran 4.8/5.4
- Intel ifort 15.0.1/17.0.2
NAG nagfor 6.0
The below examples can be found in the examples folder.
Write a netcdf file:
use mo_netcdf, only: NcDataset, NcDimension, NcVariable, NcGroup
type(NcDataset) :: nc
type(NcDimension) :: dim1, dim2, dim3
type(NcVariable) :: var
type(NcGroup) :: grp
! some data
integer, parameter :: nx=10, ny=20, ntime=8
integer :: data(nx, ny, ntime), i
data = 42
! open a dataset in write mode
! args:
! filename
! mode ("w": write, "r": read-only, "a": read-write)
nc = NcDataset("test.nc", "w")
! create a group
! args:
! group name
! group variable
grp = nc%setGroup("group")
! create dimensions
! args:
! dimension name
! dimension length (optional: skip for an unlimited dimension)
dim1 = grp%setDimension("time")
dim2 = grp%setDimension("y", ny)
dim3 = grp%setDimension("x", nx)
! set a variable
! args:
! variable name
! data type (currently available: "i8", "i16", "i32", "f32", "f64")
! dimensions array
var = grp%setVariable("data", "i32", (/dim3, dim2, dim1/))
! define a fill value
! args:
! one of the supported datatypes
call var%setFillValue(-9999)
! add variable attributes
! args:
! name
! any of the supported datatypes
call var%setAttribute("attr1", "42")
call var%setAttribute("attr2", 42)
call var%setAttribute("attr3", 42.0)
! write data
! args:
! data: scalar/array of any of the supported datatypes
! start (optional): array of indices where the the first/only data value will be written
! count (optional): array of integers specifying the number of indices along selected along each dimension
! stride (optional): array of integers specifying the sampling interval of each dimension
! map (optional): see nf90_put_var
! write the entire variable
call var%setData(data)
! write one value at position (5,5,1) (indexing: x, y, time)
call var%setData(21, start=(/5,5,1/))
! write on 2D array into the 3D data array at position (1,1,4)
call var%setData(data(:,:,1)/2, start=(/1,1,4/))
! dynamically append some data along the time dimension
do i = ntime+2, ntime+12
call var%setData(data(:,:,1)+i,start=(/1,1,i/))
end do
! add a group attribute, attributes can be set to any of the data structures
! args:
! name
! any of the supported datatypes
call grp%setAttribute("auxiliar author", "Ricardo Torres")
! add a global attribute
! args:
! name
! any of the supported datatypes
call nc%setAttribute("author", "Alfred Mustermann")
! close the dataset
call nc%close()
Read data from file:
use mo_netcdf, only: NcDataset, NcDimension, NcVariable, NcGroup
type(NcDataset) :: nc
type(NcVariable) :: var
type(NcGroup) :: grp
integer, allocatable :: data(:,:,:)
integer :: att_val
character(len=80) :: author1, author2
! open a dataset in read-only mode
nc = NcDataset("test.nc", "r")
! open the group where the data is
grp = nc%getGroup("group")
! access a variable
! args:
! variable name
var = grp%getVariable("data")
! read data
! args:
! data: allocatable array of any of the supported datatypes
! start (optional): array of indices of the first value to be read
! count (optional): array of integers specifying the number of elements to read along each dimension
! stride (optional): array of integers specifying the sampling interval of each dimension
! map (optional): see nf90_put_var
! read the entire variable
call var%getData(data)
! read all but the first 10 time steps
call var%getData(data, start=(/1,1,10/))
! read the first 5 columns and rows of the first 10 timesteps
call var%getData(data, cnt=(/5,5,10/))
! read every second timestep starting from the 3
call var%getData(data, start=(/1,1,3/), stride=(/1,1,2/))
! read attributes
call var%getAttribute('attr2', att_val)
call grp%getAttribute('auxiliar author', author2)
call nc %getAttribute('author', author1)
call nc%close()
The current implementation provides a subset of the NetCDF Fortran 90 interface as described in the User's Guide. Some of the current restrictions:
- Dataset fill mode settings (
) - Full group names (
) - Variables are limited to 5 dimensions
- Accessing variable settings (e.g.
) - User defined data types
- Attributes deletion (
) - Attributes of array types