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🏆 Awarded 2nd Place in JR ACADEMY Full-stack Bootcamp 10th Commercial Project Competition.

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About JR Academy Projects 3 - Campus system 1.0

This is project three from JR Academy. We are team RMR101. Objective of the project is to deliver a learning management system for an educational purpose.

Tech stack for frontend summary:

Websites & UI:

  • React
  • Sass (module)
  • React-redux
  • React-router
  • Axios

Testing & Type Checking:

  • Jest & Jest-dom
  • Testing library
  • PropTypes library


  • Jwt


  • AWS S3 & Presigned URL


  • Travis CI
  • Github page
  • Docker


  • Agile (Scrumn)
  • Github flow


  • Particle.js

For website, Visited here. However, you do need to run the backend for this website in order to interact with it. Quick guide to set up backend of this project.

How to interact with the client site

All following options REQUIRE a set up of backend at localhost:8080

Set up Backend and docker container for MySql image. Quick guide to set up backend of this project.

For Normal Interaction

This website is hosted at github page, all you need is to log in as admin account.

ADMIN account:

Username: admin

Password: admin

Then you can kick off from there.

For student and teacher account, initial password is the same as the user ID.


Username: S29036164

Password: S29036164

With Docker

  1. Navigate to the file where you want to test this application, then on your terminal run git clone
  2. Change directory into cd campus-frontend.
  3. Under to the root directory run docker-compose up -d --build.
  4. Then visit https://localhost:3010 on your browser.

Without Docker

  1. Navigate to the file where you want to test this application, then on your terminal run git clone
  2. Change directory into cd campus-frontend.
  3. run npm install or yarn install
  4. npm start or yarn start , make sure you have set up the back end for this project.
  5. This project also implement Redux Dev Tool extension on chrome. If haven't installed them please check here.

Using Docker hub

  1. Pull the image from docker hub using the following command :
$ docker pull jackytsheng/campus-frontend
$ docker run --rm -it -d --name campus-frontend -p 3010:80/tcp jackytsheng/campus-frontend

visit docker hub repo.

  1. Then visit https://localhost:3010 on your browser.

UI Design

Energetic Login Page


Avatar Profile


Role Specific Panels




Supported Features

Assignment System

Publish Assignment


Student can view the newest assignment, for every enrolled course


Upon completion, student can upload their response. File is stored in AWS S3

For more technical detail about how to upload using file to AWS S3 using presigned url, checkout Jacky's article here.

  • Support file type: .pdf
  • File size limit : Less than 15 MB.

Note: student can re-upload assignment until due date has passed.


After submission, teacher can download student response


After reviewing, teacher can leave a report.


After marking, student can view result

Note: student is not allowed to view assignment again after teacher has marked it, for academic confidentiality.


User Management

CRUD Operation As Admin

Creating new user

Note: login in as admin, create student/teacher at dashboard.


Upon successful creation you will receive email notification.


Check for successful creation

Note: Search bar supports fuzzy searching


Edit page for user profile


Note: Currently admin can:

  1. Reset user password
  2. Deactivated a user

Upon deactivation, user can no longer login, and will not appear in any search result.


Subject Creation

Create new subject As Admin

Note: login in as admin, create subject at dashboard.

  1. Only accept 3 letter alphabet for subject code (regex implemented).
  2. Course code is made out of 3 letter alphabet and 8 numbers.


Upon creation subject will appears in course market subject list.


Course Management

Create new course As Admin

Note: login in as admin, create course under any selected subject. Teacher must be assigned.


Assigning teacher to a course

Once click, a pop up shows up.

Note: debounce associative-word searching is supported


Before confirming, teacher can still be re-assigned. But once post, teacher can't be reassigned for this course at this semester.


Find the course

Two ways that an admin can find a course:

  1. Through global searching.
  2. Through Navigating to the subject that has this course.


Edit Course Detail

Under course detail page, admin has the authority to change course content (excpet: year, semester, teacher)


Student Course Enrolment


Upon enrollment, student can find it at the Nav bar.


Changing Password

Any user (except administration account) can change their password at the profile page.


Upon successfully changing password you will receive email notification.


About Redux Dev Tool

This project have used redux dev tool.

If you haven't already installed it for your browser, you could do so at this link

Future Improvement


  1. Implement Router for component navigation
  2. Implement TS, or better managed with PropTypes, for maintainability
  3. Use Style Component / System for better readability and maintainability
  4. Deploy App on EC2 as docker image
  5. Improve UX by caching necessary formation
  6. Improve unit test coverage


  1. Support multiple teachers teaching
  2. Support payment system
  3. Support file sharing for all courses
  4. Make changing password after first login mandatory