To Bring more visibility to this Project and make it easier to build and Dockerizer it
Alpine Linux v3.4 (3.4.0) Development Environment Vagrant 1.8.5 with Virtual Box provisioner
- Thing to note: Alpine out of the box does not support virtual box additions.*
- Thus I use NFS
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs"
* ** Additional Note here when you vagrant up the box it will ask for a Admin/root access **
Vagrant up should result in a complete build of gnu_cobol in /home/vagrant/chroot
Docker 17.03.1-ce
- docker build ./
Building Gnu Cobol.
- Vagrant up
- vagrant ssh
- cd chroot
- bin/cobc -V
Basically, I did all the hard work in the Vagrant File lines 26 - 29.
The Dockerfiles in this repository are licensed under the GPL 2 or later.