Matlab functions and script to interpolate curves and calculate direct and inverse kinematics of an arbitrary skeleton with joints of 2 and 3 degrees of freedom.
-BezierCurves calculates the Bezier interpolation of a set of three points in any dimension (the plot is only avalible for 2D or 3D).
-DirectKinematic2 calculate the positions of the joints of a skeleton given the pair of final angles (one for each degree of freedom) of each joint.
-DirectKinematic3 calculate the positions of the joints of a skeleton given the three final angles (one for each degree of freedom) of each joint. The difference between these two files are the DoF of the arms.
-IndirectKinematic2 calculate the final angles of the joints of an skeleton when they reach a final point.
-IndirectKinematic3 calculate the final angles of the joints of an skeleton when they reach a final point. The difference between these two files are the DoF of the arms.
-LinearCurvesInterpolator calculate the intermediate curves between two given curves.
-linearpiecewise_interpolation3 calculate the linear piecewise interpolation of a set of 3D point.
-Scriptcurvesinterpolation is a script to show the functionality of the last files. You can use it as a test file.
Each files has a description of the outputs and the inputs.
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