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robertoguazon edited this page Sep 18, 2016 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the Thesis-ITS wiki!

Listed below are important parts of the system that are already finished and only needs small fixes or improvemments:





  • User - with history (keeps track of lesson views, score of exercises, and contains methods for score percentage)


-you can get the lesson(s), exercise(s), exam(s) or etc. from each specific databases using the following:

  • LessonDatabase.getTextLessonUsingLID("lid627925056887413"); returns a match (unique id)
  • LessonDatabase.getTextLessonUsingTitle("sample test"); - returns a match (unique title)
  • LessonDatabase.getTextLessonsUsingTagsExactly("sample,test,"); - returns an ArrayList of matches (matches all tags)
  • LessonDatabase.getTextLessonsUsingTagsContains("sample", "test"); - returns an ArrayList of matches (contains some of the tags)

-you can store the lesson, exercise, exam or etc. from each specific databases using the following:

  • LessonDatabase.storeData(textLesson); or LessonDatabase.storeData(videoLesson);
  • ExerciseDatabase.storeData(quizExercise); or ExerciseDatabase.storeData(practicalPrintExercise); - you can store exercises to lesson database since Exercise.class extends Lesson.class

Views and Controllers

Controllers - class with static methods for working on the controllers

-sample codes below using Controllers.class

  • Controllers.loadAll(); - loads all controllers, must be called before using any methods in this class
  • Controllers.getNode(ControllerType.TEXT_LESSON_VIEWER, LessonDatabase.getTextLessonUsingLID("lid627925056887413")); - getting parent node
  • Controllers.view(ControllerType.TEXT_LESSON_VIEWER, parentNode, lesson[can be null]); - attaching the node to parentNode. Also, use null only if its a maker and not a viewer as this will set the lesson to the specified viewer.

-by the way the links below are directed to their controllers



-not finished, sample only Level Dropdown