Multi-language coverage reporter for Codacy
codacy-coverage-reporter will only work with:
* Java JRE 7 and higher
Codacy assumes that coverage is previously configured for your project.
You can install the coverage reporter by running:
curl | sh
jpm install com.codacy:codacy-coverage-reporter:assembly
To update Codacy, you will need your project API token. You can find the token in Project -> Settings -> Integrations -> Project API.
Then set it in your terminal, replacing %Project_Token% with your own token:
export CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN=%Project_Token%
Next, simply run the Codacy reporter. It will find the current commit and send all details to your project dashboard:
codacy-coverage-reporter -l Java -r coverage.xml
Due to a limitation in Java 6, the plugin is unable to establish a connection to You can run this script after the execution to upload the generated report to Codacy.
If you receive a Failed to upload report: Not Found
error when running the command, then you'll probably have codacy-coverage-reporter 1.0.3 installed. Make sure you install version 1.0.4, that fixes that error.
Example (issue: #11) :
codacy-coverage-reporter -l Java -r PATH_TO_COVERAGE/coverage.xml
2015-11-20 04:06:58,887 [info] com.codacy Parsing coverage data...
2015-11-20 04:06:59,506 [info] com.codacy Uploading coverage data...
2015-11-20 04:07:00,639 [error] com.codacy Failed to upload report: Not Found
Even after doing all of the above troubleshooting steps in case you still encounter the same error
2015-11-20 04:07:00,639 [error] com.codacy Failed to upload report: Not Found
Please try running the command with a --prefix option with path to your code as shown below , it helps to locate the files for which code coverage is desired
codacy-coverage-reporter -l Java -r PATH_TO_COVERAGE/coverage.xml --prefix PATH_TO_THE_DIRECTORY
codacy-coverage-reporter -l Java -r api/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml --prefix api/src/main/java/