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Robert Whitehouse edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Arduino-BNO05 tilt compensated compass wiki!

Project Status

The current code (main branch) is in "working prototype" status. The intention is to use the current version for sea trials in the spring/summer of 2022. There are some enhancements that I have in mind, but I first want to make sure that the basic functionality (as a tilt-compensated compass) is reliable.

So I am not proposing to change the "main" branch probably until late summer, at the earliest.


This module will (hopefully) eventually form the basis of an audio-compass that might be used by visually impaired (VI) sailors. This requirement has been identified by the East Anglian Sailing Trust (EAST). They do have some existing equipment that is very old and is no longer supported or supportable (and is starting to fail).


My thanks for their vital contributions go to

  • Roger Thompson
  • Martin Waller

This is an ongoing project (Feb 2022) and if you wish to participate or contribute in anyway then please contact me. I need all the help that I can get! I'm currently looking for people that have good knowledge and experience of the Bosch BNO055 sensor module and also streaming audio over Bluetooth. Later this year I will need help with turning this from a prototype, built on stripboard, to a more rugged device with a custom PCB.

All the best,

Bob W

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