cd ~/ros
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
./setup.bash robot_name
source install/setup.bash
. /path/to/ros/install/setup.bash
cd path/to/ros
./setup.bash simulation
. install/setup.bash
ros2 service call /obelix/enable_drivers std_srvs/SetBool "{data: true}"
ros2 action send_goal /asterix/navigate_to_pose nav2_msgs/action/NavigateToPose "{'pose': {'pose': {'position': {'x': 1.25, 'y': 0.25}, 'orientation':{'z':0.7071068, 'w':0.7071068}}}}"
ros2 service call /pharaon/deploy std_srvs/srv/Trigger
ros2 service call /enable_aruco_detection std_srvs/SetBool "{data: false}"
ros2 topic pub -1 /obelix/lcd lcd_msgs/Lcd "{text: 'sudo reboot', line: 1}"
- Improved overall documentation rules
- Fixed map_server launcher #44
- Improved odometry readjustment routine #43
- Added Vlx odometry readjustment functionality #43
- Added odom_map_relative Pose_Stamped topic #43
- Refactored Localisation #43
- Added vlx_manager in Webots #43
- CI will fail if any node crashes #42
- CI automaticaly removes artifacts older than 2 weeks #37
- Added 2 teb_controllers (nominal, accurate) #36
- Added custom_goal_checker plugin #36
- Added costmap_converter_custom plugin #36
- Added bt_boolean_condition plugin #36
- Added bt_split_goal plugin #36
- Added costmap_converter_custom plugin #35
- Added black python code formatter check in CI #32
- Added service adjust_odometry #31
- Added possibility to readjust odometry #31
- Improved teb_controller parameters #29
- Improved navigation2 parameters #29
- Updated packages.xml to add support for mothership and valhalla
- Added localisation node compatible with side selection interfaces with service call for odometry correction
- Fixed bug in costmap causing robot position to be evaluated outside of it
- Fixed bugs in NavigateToPose calculation
- Added actuators drivers with full support for ArbotixM
- Added templating for YAML files
- Added non-blocking selftest upon startup
- Added service call disable for aruco detection
- Added service call disable for drive steppers
- Added actuators logic in strategy
- Fixed ATTiny-85 firmwares for sliders
- Improved assurancetourix aruco detection with better camera calibration
- Improved and fixed ATTiny for steppers WARNING : There is still an unresolved bug which causes I2C bus to freeze randomly
- Fixed VL53L1X sensors initialisation board's firmware
- Refactored Pharaon firmware
- Refactored Panoramix
- Refactored cetautomatix
- Removed sensors node
- Droped ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS for Raspbian Buster 10
- Precompiled ros2 binaries now available in releases
- Updated linux distro to ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Updated ROS2 distro to Foxy
- Added webots simulation world for Physical based simulation
- Automated cloud based simulation on Github Actions CI
- New Timed Elastic Band (TEB) Controller achieving high speed and precision
- Added package Titan for simulation mode
- Compatibility with ros2_cross_compile for packaging x86_64/arm64 ros2 packages
- Refactored cetautomatix
- Simulation mode for assurancetourix, drive and pharaon
- Fixed many bugs thanks to simulation mode, including race conditions between modules
- Full support for asterix, obelix, assurancetourix and pharaon running simultaneously
- Upstreamed navigation2 stack to master branch
- Refactored behavior trees with full strategy engine support
- Robot launchers templating
- Support for border in map
- Added transformix service for transformations
- Added firmware for microcontrolers and pharaon
- Consistent code formatting through the whole repository
- Refactored setup script and updated docs
- Default build type for cmake is now Release
- Updated CI to use setup script in simulation mode
- Added changelog
- Added actuators node, with full support for Arbotix-M and actuators board
- Partial namespacing for asterix
- Assurancetourix node fine tuning
- Added cetautomatix node, descision node based on behavior trees
- Added ST VL53L1X ToF sensors support in sensor node
- Creation of docs for I2C and debugging
- Created panoramix server node
- Pharaon interface as ROS 2 service
- URDF XACRO templating for asterix and obelix
- Added support for MIPI_CAMERA in assurancetourix
- Higher accuracy in navigation
- Created assurancetourix ARUCO detection Node
- Added LCD screen driver node
- Tuning the navigation stack
- Fixes inside drive node for odometry
- Added sensors inside URDF
- Adding support for ROS 2 navigation stack
- Adding odometry to drive node
- Adding sensors node with support for custom HCSR04 over I2C
- Adding parameters file
- Drive node creation. Supports receiving speed commands
- Range sensors PoC using ARM mbed on FRDM K64F