This is the frontend component of a full-stack e-commerce application, focused on houseplants and design. The goal was to create an application that could inform and inspire cutomers who are looking for houseplants that they could successfully care for and enhance their homes interior aesthetic.
This client-side application was built using React/Next.js, uses Firebase for authetication with Google, and communicates with a server-side application built with Python and Django. The server repository can be found here: Together, the client and server-side applications allow users to:
- Browse and search products, filtering with pertinent queries.
- View images of inspirational interiors that feature the various products, and easily navigate to the featured products details where they can add the item to their cart.
- Create an account, store their billing information, and view their order history
- Update the quantity of a product or delete items in their order in their shopping cart view.
- Select a stored form of payment and checkout.
Clone the repository
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd green-haven-client
Install dependencies in the root directory
npm install
npm run prepare
Create an env file and copy over the required variables
Start the server
npm run dev