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B. Getting Started

Cody Brunner edited this page Mar 12, 2017 · 1 revision

So what will you need on your local machine to get started? Follow the links below to the respective install pages for the tech needed if you don't have them already. Might be worth updating if you haven't in a while.

Install on your local machine:


This is strictly for creating a javascript library of sorts. Sorry to all the other great languages out there. I know a little C & Elixir maybe someday I'll come back and do the same for these languages. I am assuming that you have experience with &/or know the following:

  • Babel
  • Eslint
  • NPM
  • Javascript
  • Webpack

I will go pretty basic in descriptions and some explanations since the goal here is publishing & contributing to open source not teaching how to be a ninja on these things. I've only been coding for close to 9 months and am nowhere near a ninja at any of it!