A load-balancer and gateway service for Trino.
This project requires Node18+, Docker, and docker-compose. Please ensure you have these tools installed and updated.
Build and run docker containers:
make clean # remove all existing containers
make migrate # create postgres db, run migrations, and seed data
make start # run trino-proxy
In another shell, you can use the Trino CLI to execute commands against the cluster (via trino-proxy):
brew install trino
trino --server http://localhost:8080 --user admin
Creating a new user via API:
curl \
--request POST \
--user "admin" \
--json '{ "username": "test", "password": "", "tags": ["test"] }' \
Format and lint the source code:
make format
- ENABLE_API: enables the Trino client API for accepting and checking queries (default: false)
- ENABLE_SCHEDULER: enables the scheduler for sending queries to downstream clusters (default: false)
- DB_URL: postgres database connection string
- HTTP_ENABLED: whether HTTP server is enabled (set to true)
- HTTP_LISTEN_PORT: HTTP port (default: 8080)
- HTTPS_CERT: HTTPS certificate
- HTTPS_ENABLED: whether HTTPS server is enabled (set to true)
- HTTPS_KEY: HTTPS private key
- HTTPS_LISTEN_PORT: HTTPS port (default: 8443)
- KNEX_POOL_MIN: Knex connection pool minimum (default: 0)
- KNEX_POOL_MAX: Knex connection pool minimum (default: 10)
- KNEX_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT: Knex connection timeout (default: 10 seconds)
- LOG_LEVEL: log level (default: info)
- NODE_ENV: development or production
- STATSD_HOST: statsd agent host (default: localhost)
- STATSD_PORT: statsd agent port (default: 8125)
- STATSD_PREFIX: prefix for statsd metrics (default: trino_proxy)
- ROUTING_METHOD: method for choosing the cluster to submit queries to (default: ROUND_ROBIN, available options: LOAD, ROUND_ROBIN)
- DEFAULT_CLUSTER_TAG: default cluster tag for users without any cluster tags in their options attribute (default: default)