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C# API (.Net) to control Xiaomi Yeelight Color Bulbs


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  • The console project uses C# 7.1 "Async Main Method" Feature, make sure your visual studio version is up to date !
  • Enable the "developer mode" on your devices, otherwhise they will neither be discovered nor usable by this API


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Install-Package YeelightAPI


Single Device

The YeelightAPI.Device allows you to create a device. Just instanciate a new Device with an ip adress or a hostname: Device device = new Device(""); and initiate connection : device.Connect();. Then you can use the device object to control the device :

  • Power on / off : device.SetPower(true);
  • Toggle State : device.Toggle();
  • Change brightness level : device.SetBrightness(100);
  • Change color : device.SetRGBColor(80, 244, 255);
  • ...

Some methods use an optional parameter named "smooth", it refers to the duration in milliseconds of the effect you want to apply. For a progressive brightness change, use device.SetBrightness(100, 3000);.

If you need a method that is not implemented, you can use the folowing methods :

  • ExecuteCommandWithResponse(METHODS method, int id = 0, List<object> parameters = null) (with response)
  • ExecuteCommand(METHODS method, int id = 0, List<object> parameters = null) (without response).

These methods are generic and use the METHODS enumeration and a list of parameters, which allows you to call any known method with any parameter. All the parameters are defined in the doc "Yeelight WiFi Light Inter-Operation Specification", section 4.1 : COMMAND Message.


If you need to control multiple devices at a time, you can use the YeelightAPI.DeviceGroup class. This class simply ihnerits from native .net List<Device> and implements the IDeviceController interface, allowing you to control multiple devices the exact same way you control a single device.

	DeviceGroup group = new DeviceGroup();


Color Flow

Old School

You can create a Color Flow to "program" your device with different state changes. Changes can be : RGB color, color temperature and brightness. Just create a new ColorFlow(), add some new ColorFlowExpression() to it, and starts the color flow with your ColorFlow object.

    	ColorFlow flow = new ColorFlow(0, ColorFlowEndAction.Restore);
    	flow.Add(new ColorFlowRGBExpression(255, 0, 0, 1, 500)); // color : red / brightness : 1% / duration : 500
    	flow.Add(new ColorFlowRGBExpression(0, 255, 0, 100, 500)); // color : green / brightness : 100% / duration : 500
    	flow.Add(new ColorFlowRGBExpression(0, 0, 255, 50, 500)); // color : blue / brightness : 50% / duration : 500
    	flow.Add(new ColorFlowSleepExpression(2000)); // sleeps for 2 seconds
    	flow.Add(new ColorFlowTemperatureExpression(2700, 100, 500)); // color temperature : 2700k / brightness : 100 / duration : 500
    	flow.Add(new ColorFlowTemperatureExpression(5000, 1, 500)); // color temperature : 5000k / brightness : 100 / duration : 500
    	device.StartColorFlow(flow); // start

	/* Do Some amazing stuff ... */

	device.StopColorFlow(); // stop the color flow

The ColorFlow constructor has 2 parameters : the first one defines the number of repetitions (or 0 for infinite), the second one defines what to do when the flow is stopped. you can choose to restore to the previous state, keep the last state or turn off the device.


Another way to create color flow is to use the device.Flow() method. This method returns a FluentFLow object you can use to create a flow in a "Fluent-syntax" way. example :

	FluentFlow flow = await backgroundDevice.BackgroundFlow()
                        .RgbColor(255, 0, 0, 50, 1000)
                        .RgbColor(0, 255, 0, 50) //without timing
                        .During(1000) // set the timing of the previous instruction
                        .RgbColor(0, 0, 255, 50, 1000)
                        .Temperature(2700, 100, 1000)
                        .Temperature(6500, 100, 1000)

	await flow.StopAfter(5000);

	//use the same object to create a new flow
	await flow.Reset()
		.RgbColor(0, 255, 0, 50, 1000)
		.Temperature(3000, 100, 1000)

Find devices

If you want to find what devices are connected, you can use YeelightAPI.DeviceLocator to find them :

	List<Device> devices = await DeviceLocator.Discover();

Async / Await

Almost every methods are asynchronous and are awaitable tasks. you can either call them with await, or wait the result : Example :

	// with single device
	await device.Connect();

	//with groups
	await group.Toggle();



When you call a method that changes the state of the device, it sends a notification to inform that its state really change. You can receive these notification using the "OnNotificationReceived" event. Example :

   device.OnNotificationReceived += (object sender, NotificationReceivedEventArgs arg) =>
       Console.WriteLine("Notification received !! value : " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(arg.Result));


When an unknown error occurs, a "OnError" event is fired. Example :

   device.OnError += (object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) =>
       Console.WriteLine($"An error occurred : {e.ExceptionObject}");


  • correct bugs if needed

Nothing else planned, if you have any ideas please contact me at ""


If there is a functionality that you need which is not implemented, or even worse if there is a bug, you can create a pull request or contacts me at ""


Apache Licence


This code is an implementation of the "Yeelight WiFi Light Inter-Operation Specification" as defined on January 1st, 2018