It's a demo project to show (and get hands-on experience) with the following features Spring5 and Redis provides:
- Redis Streams (available since Redis 5.0) to store time series data and get realtime updates
- Kotlin support: Route functional DSL
- Use reactive web client WebClient instead of Feign
- Provide SSE (server-sent events) based API
- Testing: evaluate what changes from testing endpoint when we use those fancy features
Run from terminal and observe ticks from Bittrex crypto exchange delivered with 3s interval via SSE:
curl -X GET http://localhost:6002/tick?market=usd-btc
Push data item to stream:
curl -X POST http://localhost:6002/streams/{stream-name} -d someplaintextdata
Observe events stream and get new items in real time as SSE (use in browser, Postman doesn't support SSE yet)