Extension that assists in the creation of tests, interfaces, classes and to work with clean architecture, 3-tiers or MVC having the possibility to create features and create tests folder.
- Dart Snippets
- Flutter Snippets
- Modular Snippets
- Modular-old Snippets
- Mobx Snippets
- Cubit Snippets
- flutter_bloc Snippets
- Mockito Snippets
- GetX Snippets
- Shelf Snippets
- Dio Snippets
Flutter Utils can be installed from the VSCode Marketplace or by searching within VSCode.
Youtube (https://youtu.be/YlL0KJhDFEM)
Important!!! Select the full widget to find these options
Features Wrap With |
Wrap with LayoutBuilder |
Wrap with Builder |
Wrap with ValueListenableBuilder |
Wrap with Consumer |
Wrap with MobX Observer |
Wrap with Obx |
Wrap with Getx |
Wrap with Watch of Signals |
Menu Features |
Clean Arch.: New Feature Backend |
Clean Arch.: New Feature Flutter |
3-Tiers Back: New Feature |
Create Dart Interface |
Create Dart Class |
Create Stateless Widget |
Create Stateful Widget |
GetX: New Feature |
Flutter Modular: New Feature |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-freezed |
Creates a Freezed class |
fu-freezed-json-serializable |
Creates a Freezed with JsonSerializable |
fu-interface |
Creates a Interfaces |
fu-class-interface |
Creates a Classes with interface |
fu-callable-class |
Create a Callable Classes |
fu-d-test-init |
Create a dart tests |
fu-class |
Create class with file name |
fu-class-singleton |
Create a singleton class with file name |
fu-class-equatable |
Create class with file name and add Equatable |
fu-constructor |
Create constructor with file name based |
fu-private-constructor |
Create private constructor with file name based |
fu-static-attribute |
Create static atribute in class |
fu-zero-delay |
Create Future.delayed zero |
fu-seconds-delay |
Create Future.delayed in seconds |
fu-milliseconds-delay |
Create Future.delayed in milliseconds |
fu-mixin |
Create mixin with file name |
fu-enum |
Create enum with file name |
fu-extension |
Create extension with file name |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-stl |
Create StatelessWidget with Scaffold and AppBar |
fu-stls |
Create StatelessWidget with super.key, Scaffold and AppBar |
fu-stf |
Create StatefulWidget with Scaffold and AppBar |
fu-stfs |
Create StatefulWidget with with super.key, Scaffold and AppBar |
fu-f-test-init |
Create a dart tests |
fu-change-notifier |
Create change notifier class |
fu-value-notifier |
Create ValueNotifier |
fu-text-editing-controller |
Create TextEditingController |
fu-separator |
Create SizedBox separator |
fu-form-key |
Create formKey GlobalKey |
fu-part |
Add a part based file name ex: home_controller -> home_controller.g.dart |
fu-mediaquery |
Put MediaQuery.of |
fu-sw |
Get Screen size width from MediaQuery |
fu-sh |
Get Screen size height from MediaQuery |
fu-navigator |
Put Navigator.of(context). |
fu-snackbar |
Put ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(const SnackBar(content: Text('$1'))) |
fu-postframecallback |
Put WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-aqu-operation |
Creates aqueduct operation |
fu-aqu-serializable |
Creates aqueduct class serializable |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-class-json-serializable |
Generate class with json_serializable pattern |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-modular-old-router-child |
Creates router with page |
fu-modular-old-router |
Creates router module |
fu-modular-old-initial-router-module |
Creates router module with Modular.initialRoute |
fu-modular-old-initial-router-child |
Creates router page with Modular.initialRoute |
fu-modular-old-bind |
Create Bind for modular |
fu-modular-old_codegen_inject |
Modular codegen inject |
fu-modular-old_module |
Create Module |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-modular-initial-config |
Create a initial config main.dart |
fu-modular-app-widget |
Create a initial config main.dart |
fu-modular-router-child |
Creates router with page |
fu-modular-router |
Creates router module |
fu-modular-initial-router-child |
Creates router page with Modular.initialRoute |
fu-modular-bind-factory |
Create Bind Factory for modular |
fu-modular-bind-factory-cc |
Create Bind Factory for modular with interface and clean code pattern |
fu-modular-bind-instance |
Create Bind Instance for modular |
fu-modular-bind-instance-cc |
Create Bind Instance for modular with interface and clean code pattern |
fu-modular-bind-singleton |
Create Bind Singleton for modular |
fu-modular-bind-lazySingleton |
Create Bind Lazy Singleton for modular with interface |
fu-modular-bind-lazySingleton-cc |
Create Bind Lazy Singleton for modular with interface and clean code pattern |
fu-modular-bind-factory-interface |
Create Bind Factory for modular with interface |
fu-modular-bind-instance-interface |
Create Bind Instance for modular with interface |
fu-modular-bind-singleton-interface |
Create Bind Singleton for modular with interface |
fu-modular-bind-lazySingleton-interface |
Create Bind Lazy Singleton for modular with interface |
fu-modular_module |
Create Module |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-bloctransform |
Override transformEvents method |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-cubitot |
Override onTransition method |
fu-cubitaction |
Create cubit function action |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-test-when-async |
Add when mockito async |
fu-test-when |
Add when mockito sync |
fu-test-when-throw |
Add when mockito sync |
fu-test-mock |
Create a mock class |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-provider-watch |
context.watch |
fu-provider-read |
context.watch |
fu-provider-select |
context.select |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-getxbinding |
Create Binding |
fu-getxcontroller |
Create Controller |
fu-getxrx |
Create Rx variable |
fu-getxobs |
Create .obs variable |
fu-getxoninit |
Create onInit method |
fu-getxonclose |
Create onClose method |
fu-getxpage |
Create Page with GetView |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-shelf-controller |
Create Controller with shelf-router |
fu-shelf-operation |
Create Rest Operation |
Shortcut | Description |
fu-dio-template-request |
Template for repositories |