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flutter-dart-utils README

Extension that assists in the creation of tests, interfaces, classes and to work with clean architecture, 3-tiers or MVC having the possibility to create features and create tests folder.

  • Dart Snippets
  • Flutter Snippets
  • Modular Snippets
  • Modular-old Snippets
  • Mobx Snippets
  • Cubit Snippets
  • flutter_bloc Snippets
  • Mockito Snippets
  • GetX Snippets
  • Shelf Snippets
  • Dio Snippets


Flutter Utils can be installed from the VSCode Marketplace or by searching within VSCode.

Youtube movie for examples

Youtube (

Features Wrap With

Important!!! Select the full widget to find these options

Features Wrap With
Wrap with LayoutBuilder
Wrap with Builder
Wrap with ValueListenableBuilder
Wrap with Consumer
Wrap with MobX Observer
Wrap with Obx
Wrap with Getx
Wrap with Watch of Signals

Menu Features:

Menu Features
Clean Arch.: New Feature Backend
Clean Arch.: New Feature Flutter
3-Tiers Back: New Feature
Create Dart Interface
Create Dart Class
Create Stateless Widget
Create Stateful Widget
GetX: New Feature
Flutter Modular: New Feature

Dart Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-freezed Creates a Freezed class
fu-freezed-json-serializable Creates a Freezed with JsonSerializable
fu-interface Creates a Interfaces
fu-class-interface Creates a Classes with interface
fu-callable-class Create a Callable Classes
fu-d-test-init Create a dart tests
fu-class Create class with file name
fu-class-singleton Create a singleton class with file name
fu-class-equatable Create class with file name and add Equatable
fu-constructor Create constructor with file name based
fu-private-constructor Create private constructor with file name based
fu-static-attribute Create static atribute in class
fu-zero-delay Create Future.delayed zero
fu-seconds-delay Create Future.delayed in seconds
fu-milliseconds-delay Create Future.delayed in milliseconds
fu-mixin Create mixin with file name
fu-enum Create enum with file name
fu-extension Create extension with file name

Flutter Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-stl Create StatelessWidget with Scaffold and AppBar
fu-stls Create StatelessWidget with super.key, Scaffold and AppBar
fu-stf Create StatefulWidget with Scaffold and AppBar
fu-stfs Create StatefulWidget with with super.key, Scaffold and AppBar
fu-f-test-init Create a dart tests
fu-change-notifier Create change notifier class
fu-value-notifier Create ValueNotifier
fu-text-editing-controller Create TextEditingController
fu-separator Create SizedBox separator
fu-form-key Create formKey GlobalKey
fu-part Add a part based file name ex: home_controller -> home_controller.g.dart
fu-mediaquery Put MediaQuery.of
fu-sw Get Screen size width from MediaQuery
fu-sh Get Screen size height from MediaQuery
fu-navigator Put Navigator.of(context).
fu-snackbar Put ScaffoldMessenger.of(context).showSnackBar(const SnackBar(content: Text('$1')))
fu-postframecallback Put WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback

Aqueduct Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-aqu-operation Creates aqueduct operation
fu-aqu-serializable Creates aqueduct class serializable

Json Serializable

Shortcut Description
fu-class-json-serializable Generate class with json_serializable pattern

Modular Old Version Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-modular-old-router-child Creates router with page
fu-modular-old-router Creates router module
fu-modular-old-initial-router-module Creates router module with Modular.initialRoute
fu-modular-old-initial-router-child Creates router page with Modular.initialRoute
fu-modular-old-bind Create Bind for modular
fu-modular-old_codegen_inject Modular codegen inject
fu-modular-old_module Create Module

Modular Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-modular-initial-config Create a initial config main.dart
fu-modular-app-widget Create a initial config main.dart
fu-modular-router-child Creates router with page
fu-modular-router Creates router module
fu-modular-initial-router-child Creates router page with Modular.initialRoute
fu-modular-bind-factory Create Bind Factory for modular
fu-modular-bind-factory-cc Create Bind Factory for modular with interface and clean code pattern
fu-modular-bind-instance Create Bind Instance for modular
fu-modular-bind-instance-cc Create Bind Instance for modular with interface and clean code pattern
fu-modular-bind-singleton Create Bind Singleton for modular
fu-modular-bind-lazySingleton Create Bind Lazy Singleton for modular with interface
fu-modular-bind-lazySingleton-cc Create Bind Lazy Singleton for modular with interface and clean code pattern
fu-modular-bind-factory-interface Create Bind Factory for modular with interface
fu-modular-bind-instance-interface Create Bind Instance for modular with interface
fu-modular-bind-singleton-interface Create Bind Singleton for modular with interface
fu-modular-bind-lazySingleton-interface Create Bind Lazy Singleton for modular with interface
fu-modular_module Create Module

Flutter Bloc Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-bloctransform Override transformEvents method

Cubit Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-cubitot Override onTransition method
fu-cubitaction Create cubit function action

Mockito Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-test-when-async Add when mockito async
fu-test-when Add when mockito sync
fu-test-when-throw Add when mockito sync
fu-test-mock Create a mock class

Flutter Provider Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description

Flutter GetX Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-getxbinding Create Binding
fu-getxcontroller Create Controller
fu-getxrx Create Rx variable
fu-getxobs Create .obs variable
fu-getxoninit Create onInit method
fu-getxonclose Create onClose method
fu-getxpage Create Page with GetView

Shelf/Shelf-Router Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-shelf-controller Create Controller with shelf-router
fu-shelf-operation Create Rest Operation

Dio Snippets Usage

Shortcut Description
fu-dio-template-request Template for repositories

Generate folders for MVC architecture


Generate dart interface


Generate dart class


Implements dart interface


Generate folders clean architecture for backend


Generate folders clean architecture for flutter


Generate folders 3-tiers architecture


Generate folder for test


Wrap with Consumer


Wrap with ValueListenableBuilder


Wrap with Builder


Wrap with LayoutBuilder



Extension Settings

Known Issues


No description, website, or topics provided.







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