It is basically extension to my previous work where I used tensorflow pipelines (etl) to enhance the efficiency of cpu-gpu parallel processing
This repository contains prod-code where we used autoencoder to detect frauds in transaction made on Tensorflow v1.13.1 framework with tensorflow serving api v1.13.1
structure for the files and code :
how to run the api
install tensorflow server model and port to 8500 for grpc request and give model_name and model_path and install
tensorflow_model_server --port=8500 --model_name=anamoly_detection --model_base_path=$HOME/Desktop/Fraud-Detection-Production-master/model-export/anamoly_detection/
2nd way docker containerization approach though I deployed whole model in aws but cost way up high you can use this way which very easy
docker create -p 8500:8500 -e MODEL_NAME=anamoly_detection --mount type=bind , source=$HOME/Desktop/Fraud-Detection-Producton/model-export/anamoly_detection,target=/models/anamoly_detection --name=my_container1 tensorflow/serving
docker start my_container1