This repository contains the tasks completed during the LaTeX workshop.
LaTeX is a document preparation system that is widely used for academic and technical writing. This workshop was designed for beginners who had little or no experience with LaTeX. The workshop covered the basics of LaTeX, including creating a LaTeX document, formatting text, adding images, and creating tables and preparing resume.
This repository contains the following tasks:
task 1 : Hello World in LaTeX.
task 2: A task to format scientific notations.
task 3: A task to add and format mathematical equations.
task 4: A task to add text and images to a LaTeX document.
task 5: A task to create a resume in LaTeX.
Each task is accompanied by a PDF output file.
You can use the materials in this repository to review the concepts covered in the workshop or to practice your LaTeX skills.
To use the tasks, simply open the relevant .tex file in a text editor and compile it using your LaTeX distribution. The output will be a PDF file with the same name as the .tex file.
LaTeX Project Website
Overleaf: A web-based LaTeX editor and compiler
ShareLaTeX: Another web-based LaTeX editor and compiler