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Releases: rolandkrueger/uri-fragment-routing

Release 1.3.0

22 Apr 12:56
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New in this release:

  • New annotation for URI action commands: @CurrentActionMapper lets you have the action mapper injected which provided the URI action command factory for the currently handled URI fragment.
  • URI fragment parameters can be registered on the root action mapper either directly or through the action mapper tree builder.
  • All action mappers passed by the library to client code (e. g. through methods annotated with @CurrentActionMapper) are immutable. That is, their configuration cannot be changed by client code.

Fixed in this release:

  • An InvocationTargetException thrown when an URI action command is configured through its annotated methods is now handled correctly. A meaningful error message is shown and the original exception is rethrown in a RuntimeException.

Release 1.2.0

12 Feb 13:47
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New in this release:

  • A new interface has been introduced: UriActionCommandFactory creates new action command instances.
  • Action mappers get an instance of this factory instead of a class object for an action command class.
  • The default value of a URI fragment parameter is added to its toString() output if set.
  • Improved String overview of the action mappers contained in an action mapper tree: dispatching mappers with a UriActionCommandFactory set will be added to this overview list as well.
  • Characters with special meaning in a regular expression are automatically escaped in the prefix of a StartsWithUriPathSegmentActionMapper.
  • A UriActionCommandFactory can be set on the root mapper of an action mapper tree to allow the interpretation of the empty String or /.

Release 1.1.0

07 Jan 21:45
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New feature:

  • Added the option to have the UriActionMapperTree not execute a resolved action command object right away. With this, it is the responsibility of the external caller if and when a URI action command object will be executed.

First release

07 Jan 18:57
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First release of the URI fragment routing library.

This release includes

  • Full feature set for URI fragment routing and parameter evaluation and conversion
  • Full JavaDoc documentation of the library code
  • Extensive unit tests which additionally provide usage examples for the API