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KlikDokter Apps
KlikDokter is a project which create mobile applications providing medical and health services to medical and public audiences. It has 3 products maintained by RGB
- KlikDokter Apps
This apps is dedicated for public audiences, so that we are able to chat with doctors
Main Features:
- 24 Hours Live Chat/Topic Chat
- Health articles
- Health Tools (fertility and pregnancy)
- Hospital and Doctor Directory
- Prescription
- KlikDokter for Doctor
This app is made for doctor, so that they are able to reply the chat from patients.
Main Features:
- 24 Hours Live Chat/Topic Chat
- Prescription
- Content Management System for Chat
Technically, this product is belong to Medika Komunika Technology. If you are unfamiliar with this company, this one is under the same group with SCTV. So, it’s kinda a big player.
However, for its IT management is handled by KMKLabs, which also develop and maintain the backend development and UI/UX of KlikDokter apps. While Rolling Glory is doing mobile apps development and tech consultation.
KMKLabs Contact for Rolling Glory
- Tria Nita Situmorang
- Meyli Monica
- Account Manager : Brian Al Bahr
- Project Manager : Suci Krisnawati
- Tech Lead : Akbar Juang Saputra
- Android Team : Asep Hidayat, Wanhar
- iOS : Krisnandika Aji, Bagus Anugrah Dinata
- Backend (for chat using qiscus) : Rully Naufal
Account Manager (AM) AM is usually the first contact of Rolling Glory to clients, who is responsible to manage project deal, requirements, billing/quotation, and business/non-technical consultant as well.
Project Manager (PM) PM is responsible to handle daily operation of the project, including timeline, task, and resource management. For this project, PM also handle day-to-day communicate to client.
Tech Lead Tech Lead is responsible to ensure deliver best code quality, technical solutions, and act as code reviewer. Therefore, Tech Lead, PM and AM work together to get the best solution for client’s problem. Moreover, Tech Lead develop code just like regular developer as well.
Task Management
- We are using Pivotal Tracker to document user stories, bugs, and chores
- Client is the one who create feature and bug stories. PM and Tester do bug and chore stories
- PM assign the developer to each story
- Once start to work on the task, Developer has to click start button on its ticket
- When the task is done and ready to test, Developer has to click finish button and report to PM
- Tester test the app based on written requirement on Pivotal Tracker or PM’s instruction.
- Tester report if there are any bugs to PM and Developer. Critical bugs (force closed, fatal error on UI implementation or functionality) will be fixed immediately by Developer, while small bugs will be fixed later.
- Once all critical bugs are solved, PM deliver the app to KMK to test and click deliver button on pivotal tracker. While KMK test the app, Developer work on the small bugs.
- If KMK found fatal bugs, KMK will reject the ticket, otherwise, the ticket will be accepted and it means the task is done.
- For the visual information about the flow, click diagram
Additional (for PM and AM)
- Once new development iteration awarded, project manager has to create daily timeline (usually in gantt chart), assign the task to developer, and determine when the task will be delivered to client.
- When the development has started, project manager report to account manager about current task list and account manager will proceed to create quotation.
- Once quotation done, account manager has to change quotation status of the task in the spreadsheet. Project manager * also suppose to remind account manager in case the quotation is missed to be issued. Everytime we have completed the development iteration and the build is released, project manager is supposed to record the detail of the release, e.g release date, platform, what was updated, etc.
- Programming Language : Swift 4.0
- Framework : Native
- API Connectivity : Alamofire and Moya
- Local DB : Realm
- Architecture : MVC
- Repository : Bitbucket
- Compiler : XCode 10.2
- Programming Language : Java
- Framework : Native
- API Connectivity : Retrofit
- Local DB : Realm
- Architecture : MVP
- Repository : Bitbucket
- Compiler : Android Studio
*** Testing If the apk (android) or testflight (iOS) is for testing purpose, here is the rules that must be followed.
No. | System | Environment | Notes |
1 | Chat | Staging | - |
2 | Article and Spesialis | Production | - |
3 | Insider | Klikdoktertest | Klikdoktertest is our testing environment in Insider |
4 | Firebase | For iOS, use Klikdokter Test iOS | Every time we create new testflight version, dSysms file in Firebase must be updated, so that the bugs can be tracked in the Crashlytic.This rule is applied for both testing and release purpose. |
5 | Firebase | For Android,use KlikDokter for Android | For Android, since there is no separation firebase setting for staging and production in Android, hence usually no need to change firebase setting for both testing or release purpose. |
6 | Direktori Dokter and Rumah Sakit | Staging | - |
If the apk (android) or testflight (iOS) is for testing purpose, here is the rules that must be followed.
No. | System | Environment | Notes |
1 | Chat | Production | - |
2 | Article and Spesialis | Production | - |
3 | Insider | Klikdokter | Klikdokter is our production environment in Insider |
4 | Firebase | For iOS, use Klikdokter Test iOS | Every time we create new testflight version, dSysms file in Firebase must be updated, so that the bugs can be tracked in the Crashlytic.This rule is applied for both testing and release purpose. |
5 | Firebase | For Android,use KlikDokter for Android | For Android, since there is no separation firebase setting for staging and production in Android, hence usually no need to change firebase setting for both testing or release purpose. |
6 | Direktori Dokter and Rumah Sakit | Production | - |
Organizational Structure
Web Design System
PHP Coding Convention