pipex is a 42 school project designed to understand shell redirections and pipes by building them in C. Parent-children processes communication is done by leveraging the shared nature (between processes) of file descriptors to the open file table.
This pipex program takes an input file, execute a command on it, pipes the result to another command which then writes its result to an output file.
The result should mimic exactly the shell command:
$ < input_file command1 | command2 > output file
this include error exit code and messages for every cases.
It is built using the following system functions and system calls open
, close
, read
, write
, execve
, fork
, pipe
, waitpid
Finished 25/07/2023.
Grade: 100%
Compile with make
Pipex can handle 2 commands :
./pipex input_file command1 command2 output_file
this will execute the same as the following shell command :
$ < input_file command1 | command2 > output_file
You could test with an input_file containing "Go dance salsa somewhere Christina :)”